
Wednesday 29 June 2011

Understanding The Acne And Hormones Connection

The development of acne is said to have a close connection with the changes in hormones. Certain studies have noted that people suffering from acne often have oily skin due to the high level of androgen and testosterone hormones present on the body.

The belief on the acne and hormones connection holds that acne, which is influenced by hormones, often starts around the age of 19 to 24, thus it can affect both the teens and mature women.

The acne and hormones connection further holds the idea that acne typically starts to appear when the body starts to produce androgen hormones. It is basically the androgens that incite the sebaceous glands to enlarge and emit sebum. It is merely the blocked follicles which become the breeding area for bacteria, resulting in acne.

It is worth noting that hormones basically regulate every function of the body. The connection between acne and hormones also explains the occurrence of acne in teens as well as in adults. In teens, it is commonly noted that during the onset of puberty, androgens are produced which holds a major role in the development of acne. And, in place of the adult, the acne and hormones connection believed that the menstrual cycle of every woman plays a role in its development.

Acne and progesterone are two major concepts that bothered most of the medical professionals as they talked about the causes and treatments of acne.

As you may know, acne is a common chronic skin disorder that affects millions of people of every age, gender, and race. In fact, almost ninety percent of the world’s total populations are victims of acne.

According to certain studies, acne and progesterone shows a certain connection in terms of causes and treatment. The connection between acne and progesterone appears to be more evident with the fact that progesterone is deemed as one of the factors that trigger the formation and development of acne, while others have considered that progesterone is necessary for fighting acne.

To explain the connection between acne and progesterone, certain studies have found out that during the menstrual period, a possible cause for acne formation, there is basically a hormonal imbalances as the progesterone secretion increase prior to the menstruation. Further studies are still conducted to know the real connection between acne and progesterone.

Many have thought that acne and progesterone are in a close bond as progesterone helps to eliminate acne. This is basically the reason that you may see some products out there highlighting progesterone as a treatment for acne. However, many still deemed that progesterone is but one of the minor factors that trigger the formation of acne. Whatever the findings maybe, acne is but a chronic disorder that needs personal attention.

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Understanding The Causes Of Acne

The first step in understanding
the causes of acne is to recognize that poor hygiene is one of the components which cause an acne condition. It can also be derived from genetics or hormones. The misnomer that unclean skin causes acne is erroneous. Actually, it is all glandular. As hormones increase, so does the production of oil. Thus, when the oil-producing gland near the surface of the skins opens, there is an oil build-up within the gland and the beginning of an acne condition develops.

There are several reasons why a person contracts acne. Specifically, when your skin becomes oily and clogs the pores, it is at this point the bacterium develops; and you break out in whiteheads, blackheads or pimples. Therefore, if your skin is naturally oily; you have raging hormones; amassed dead skin cells; your pores then become an open invitation to bacteria, which will lead to an acne outbreak.

If the condition cannot be controlled with conventional antibiotics, he may deduce that reducing your hormone levels may be a viable option in treating the acne. There are several medications that your doctor can prescribe. These medications will help to control the increase of hormones in your body, which will ultimately keep your glands clear of excessive oil. Some of the most commonly used treatments include estrogen/progestogen contraceptive pills. Estrogen tempers the hormonal secretion of oils. Also, anti-testosterone Cyproterone used with oestrogen can actually be quite helpful in treating acne. There are other medications to lower the hormone level; however because of their side effects, they are not prescribed so readily; except in extreme cases where every alternative has been utilized.

By understanding the causes of acne, you can certainly take preventative measures which will lessen the chances of a future occurrence. There is a plethora of information available on line or in your local library to conduct research regarding this condition, such as: the causes; the treatments, the side effects, and the overall understanding of hormonal imbalance and how it affects your body.

Some preventative measures you can take are: to wash your face every morning and evening to ensure proper skin care; follow the doctor's orders; use both your oral and topical antibiotics, if prescribed. The most common types of topical antibiotics used for the treatment of acne include salicylic acid (Clearasil), tretinoin, adapalene, and tazarotene. You should see results within five to six weeks. If, however, the condition worsens your doctor will explain the more aggressive types of treatment available.

There is another type of medication which your doctor may not prescribe. It's an antibiotic for your mind and body. Do not allow yourself to become stressed due to the insensitivity of others, who may offer an unkind word. Yes, you may be embarrassed and self-conscious, but acne sometimes happens. The good news is that by understanding the causes of acne you are better prepared to treat the condition and it will be gone before you know it.

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Discover Step-By-Step What The LASIK Experience Is All About

On the day of your LASIK procedure, it is natural to experience both excitement and nervousness. Patients who feel most at ease on that day are those who have asked questions, read about the LASIK procedure, and perhaps talked with former patients. Understanding LASIK and trusting your surgeon are important to helping you feel confident, calm, and prepared on the day of your procedure. You won't be able to drive immediately after the procedure, so it is recommended that you have someone drive you to the surgery center and pick you up when you're ready to leave.

How should I prepare for the day of my surgery?

Make an effort to arrive at the center rested and relaxed. You should plan to spend up to three hours at the laser center, although this amount of time varies from center to center. Wear comfortable clothing the day of your surgery. Do not wear makeup, skin moisturizer, perfume, or cologne, since LASIK requires clean, sterile conditions. Earrings should not be worn.

How the LASIK procedure performed?

LASIK is performed while the patient is awake. However, if you are experiencing anxiety, the surgeon may give you a mild oral sedative. Many surgeons talk to the patient throughout the procedure, so the individual knows what is happening and what to expect next.

What happens before the surgery?

Before the surgery begins, your face will be cleaned with a disinfectant, and you will be asked to wear a surgical cap. You will be given an antibiotic eye-drop and possibly an anti-inflammatory eye-drop. These may sting for a few seconds.

What happens during the procedure?

Once in the laser suite, you will be positioned comfortably on your back, under the excimer laser. Your surgeon will give you anesthetic eye-drops to numb the surface of your eyes. Your eyelashes will be taped out of the way, and an eyelid speculum will be placed between your eyelids, to keep you from blinking. The speculum sometimes causes mild pressure or discomfort to your eyelids at first, but with the numbing drops, these sensations dissipate.

The surgeon will make small reference marks on your cornea with water-soluble ink. These marks will serve as positional guides when it is time to realign the corneal flap. A suction ring is then placed on your eye to hold it in position to maintain pressure within the eye. Keeping the eye pressurized is essential for the keratectomy, or flap-making process, which comes next. Your vision will dim during this step.

Next the surgeon will create the corneal flap, using the microkeratome, the small instrument with a blade that passes over the eyeball. The extremely thin flap is made from the outermost 25 percent of the cornea. (The average cornea is only about the thickness of a credit card.) This flap-making process takes about thirty seconds. When the microkeratome is making the flap, you may feel slight pressure and the instrument will block out light as it passes over your pupil.

Next, the surgeon will ask you to fix your vision on a target light - usually red, green, or yellow. Then, the surgeon will gently lift back the hinged flap. At this point your vision will become blurry.

The surgeon will now perform the laser procedure. This usually takes twenty to ninety seconds. You will not feel any pain as the laser sculpts the cornea by vaporizing small amounts of tissue. This process is called photoablation. You will also hear a clicking or buzzing sound with each pulse of the laser. The surgeon is reshaping your cornea.

During the laser procedure, individuals have different responses to staring at the fixation light. Some patients report that the fixation light becomes a blur. Others report that it seems to momentarily disappear. If this happens and your eye starts to wander, the surgeon will stop the laser. You will be coached to look again at the target light so the laser procedure can resume.

Once the process of reshaping your corneal tissue is complete, the excimer laser will be turned off. Using a sterile saline solution, the surgeon will flush the treated surface of the eye to ensure that any debris is washed away. The surgeon then carefully replaces the corneal flap to its original position, using the ink marks as guides.

It takes about one to five minutes for the eye to create a natural vacuum to hold down the flap. The cornea has the unique ability to seal itself back into place. No sutures are necessary. Your eyes will be dried with a sterile cloth, and the eyelid speculum will be removed. You will now be able to blink normally. At this point, you will be asked to sit with your eyes closed for about thirty minutes. Then your physician will examine your eyes one more time to ensure that the corneal flap is properly positioned.

Patients who have undergone LASIK experience some discomfort, which may last six to eight hours. Patients describe this as a sensation of having sand or a dirty contact lens in their eye. Tylenol, aspirin, ibuprofen, or similar over-the-counter pain medications can help. By the following day, this sensation is usually gone.

Immediately after surgery, expect your vision to be somewhat blurred, similar to looking through a glass of water or wearing a dirty contact lens. However, upon awakening later in the day or the next morning, you should experience improved vision. Most patients report dramatic improvement within twenty-four hours.

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Learn The 7 Levels Of The Visual Disability Scale

20/25 to 20/65: Subnormal vision, but not seriously impaired. Those below 20/45 have difficulty reading a newspaper, but most can hold it closer to their face and still read with good light. Many states will license people to drive with visual acuity as low as 20/60, but most such drivers will carry restricted licenses. Telescopic glasses allow all of this group to drive as long as their state permits it and if they do not also have serious field loss. These people have excellent object and travel vision, except for those who have lost considerable field vision as well as visual acuity.

20/70: Mildly impaired. This is the point where people really begin to feel handicapped. Reading newspapers is very difficult without magnification, and most states refuse to license persons to drive with a visual acuity this low unless they are equipped with telescopic glasses. Object and travel vision are still excellent, except for those who have lost field vision as well.

20/75 to 20/200: Moderately impaired. This group can still function as sighted in most regards with the use of low-vision aids. Object vision for this group is poorer, but it is still adequate for almost all activities. These people can see the car but may have trouble identifying its make and model. Recognizing friends may be difficult, but they see the person. Travel vision is still quite good unless there is also field vision loss.

Reading is the primary problem for this group, but good equipment and training eliminate this problem. People in this group can be equipped and trained to read using numerous low-vision aids. All members of this group should be able to drive with telescopic glasses unless there is also serious peripheral-vision loss, or other limiting factors.

20/200 to 20/800: Seriously impaired, but still with travel vision and reduced but useful object vision. People in this group can read with low-vision aids of various kinds. Those below 20/500 might consider learning Braille, but even then it certainly isn't mandatory. These people will not be able to drive, even with telescopic glasses. Object vision diminishes but is still useful. Travel vision is still adequate, although those at the lower end of the scale may sometimes trip over curbs. Crossing streets can be hazardous for people at the lower end of this scale because they cannot see distant oncoming cars.

20/800 to 20/1200: Severely impaired. At this level of visual acuity a person loses travel vision. People suffering a loss of peripheral vision may find a white cane useful or even necessary before this point is reached, but at this stage, use of the white cane becomes necessary, regardless of the cause of vision loss. Some in this group are able to use very strong magnifiers to read large print. A +50 diopter lens will give almost all in this group the ability to read textbook-size print.

20/1200 to 20/6000: Very severely impaired. Many doctors reject the use of visual acuity figures this low. While it is true that letter sizes larger than 700 do not exist on test charts, there are mathematical equivalents. Doctors categorize this level as the ability to see a hand moving one foot away, without the ability to count fingers. People in the 20/1200 to 20/6000 group are dependent on the white cane or a guide dog for independent mobility. A video visual aid for reading print is the aid of choice and the only aid that provides visual access to print. Voice synthesizers are available that convert print into speech. Persons in this group are legitimate users of such equipment.

This group has little object vision, but as long as there is any light perception, that vision is useful. For example, a man walking down the street with his white cane sees two shadows ahead. He sees light between the two objects. He probably can't tell what the objects are, but he knows there is space enough between them for him to pass through.

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Beyond LASIK: A Complete List Of Eye Corrective Procedures (Pt 3)

Bioptics: Bioptics is a combination procedure involving a PIOL implant followed by LASIK. It is recommended for the most extreme levels of myopia and hyperopia when neither technique alone will entirely correct the refractive error. This combined technique can be used to correct over 30.00 diopters of myopia - twice the maximum amount that can be safely corrected with LASIK.

Clear Lens Extraction (CLE): Clear lens extraction (CLE) involves removing the eye's lens, just like in a cataract operation. This is done with a special ultrasound instrument and may be accompanied by eye-drop anesthesia. A flexible synthetic lens implant of the proper power is then placed inside the eye through an extremely small incision to correct the refractive error. The procedure can be completed without sutures. Visual recovery is quite rapid. As with LASIK, most patients are able to return to work the day following their procedure.

CLE is most commonly performed to treat higher levels of farsightedness in patients over age forty. The optical results are superior to LASIK for these higher corrections. CLE may also be used to correct higher levels of nearsightedness and may be fine-tuned with LASIK if a small refractive error remains. Some surgeons have used CLE to treat extremely nearsighted or farsighted patients who are not candidates for LASIK or PRK.

The major drawbacks of CLE are the risk of postoperative retinal detachment (more of a risk with nearsighted than farsighted patients), and the risks of intraocular surgery (including the potential, albeit uncommon, risk of endophthalmitis).

If both eyes are corrected for distance vision, CLE patients will require reading glasses after their procedure. As with LASIK and PRK, however, monovision corrections are possible with CLE to decrease or even eliminate one's need for reading glasses. Or, a new intraocular lens called the ARRAY lens can be implanted at the time of lens extraction. The multi-focal ARRAY lens allows you to see both near and far after the operation. For the best results, both eyes should be implanted with the lens. Because of its multi-focal capacity, some patients experience a loss of contrast at night and also develop halos around lights. If these symptoms become problematic, the ARRAY lens can be removed and replaced with a conventional lens implant.

Laser Thermal Keratoplasty (LTK): For low amounts of farsightedness, a technique called laser thermal keratoplasty (LTK) is a possible method of thermally changing the shape of the cornea. A special holmium laser is used to deliver laser energy to the peripheral cornea to slightly tighten the fibers and thereby steepen its curvature. The technique seems to work only for low amounts of farsightedness.

There are two disadvantages of LTK. First is the long time needed for vision to stabilize. This process can take months, requiring multiple pairs of glasses in the interim. The second disadvantage is that the effect wears off in a substantial percentage of patients. A patient in whom the effect wears off either faces having the treatment repeated every year or so, or turns to LASIK for a permanent correction.

Conductive Keratoplasty (CK): In conductive keratoplasty (CK), a special probe introduces an electrical current to the peripheral cornea, shrinking the corneal fibers. Similar to LTK, this acts like tightening a belt, causing the central cornea to steepen. It is effective for small amounts of hyperopia. The procedure takes less than five minutes and is essentially painless. It may be performed in a doctor's office without the need of a laser suite. The major advantage of CK is its relative safety. Because all the work is done on the peripheral cornea, the risk of central corneal scarring (through the visual axis, or line of sight) is minimal. The visual recovery with CK is fairly quick, although generally somewhat slower than with LASIK. CK is considered by many surgeons to be the next advance over LTK because its effect appears to be permanent.

Surgery for Presbyopia: One of the more exciting areas of ophthalmology is the surgical treatment of presbyopia - the stiffening of the natural lens that decreases near vision as we age. Several devices and surgeries have been tried, all of which attempt to enlarge the circumference of the eye and tighten the fibers that control the focus of the lens. These fibers are thought to stretch and become less effective as we age.

Anterior Ciliary Sclerotomy (ACS): Anterior ciliary sclerotomy (ACS) is a surgical procedure for relieving presbyopia. Several small incisions are made in the sclera (coating of the eye) directly over the muscle that controls the lens. This procedure expands the circumference of the eye. ACS may be combined with the placement of small silicone plugs into the scleral grooves. These plugs may help the effect last longer.
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Beyond LASIK: A Complete List Of Eye Corrective Procedures (Pt 2)

Astigmatic Keratotomy (AK): Astigmatic keratotomy (AK) is similar to RK, but its purpose is to correct only astigmatism. Usually, one or two incisions are made in the peripheral cornea to make it more round (as if loosening the laces on a football). This procedure is often combined with RK and has a similar long track record.

AK is a reasonable procedure for correcting pure astigmatism (patients without coexisting nearsightedness or farsightedness) with results that are almost as good as those with LASIK and PRK. AK can also be used to enhance the results of LASIK and PRK by correcting small residual amounts of astigmatism. The most frequent use of AK today is to correct astigmatism at the time of lens implant surgery (either cataract or clear lens extraction surgery).

Cataract Surgery: For patients with significant cataracts who are looking to correct their nearsightedness or farsightedness, cataract surgery presents the best option. After removing the cataract with ultra-sonic power, the surgeon can implant a lens that will reduce or eliminate nearsightedness and farsightedness.

This procedure is not performed on younger patients without cataracts because the surgery involves entering the eye and, therefore, slightly increases the risk of more serious complications. The surgery also involves removing the natural crystalline lens, which in young people allows them to focus up close. LASIK, which leaves the lens intact, is a better option for younger patients.

Modern cataract surgery, when performed by an experienced surgeon, can allow patients a recovery period rather similar to that of LASIK. In its most sophisticated form, cataract surgery can be performed with eye-drop anesthesia (just like LASIK or PRK) and require no sutures. An outpatient procedure in skilled hands, it takes twenty minutes or less to complete.

Automated Lamellar Keratoplasty (ALK): Automated lamellar keratoplasty (ALK) was done on high myopes prior to the invention of the excimer laser. ALK is not performed today. LASIK has essentially replaced ALK because of the increased accuracy and safety afforded by the excimer laser in making the second "cut." ALK is similar to LASIK in that it uses a microkeratome to separate the surface layer of the cornea. This flap is temporarily folded back (similar to the first part of the LASIK procedure), and a thin disc of corneal tissue is removed with a second pass of the microkeratome. ALK, much less precise than LASIK, was associated with a much higher complication rate. It was primarily used to correct large amounts of myopia.

Satisfactory results are not always obtained the first time, and a high percentage of eyes need additional procedures to achieve the desired result. Sometimes an irregular corneal surface results from the procedure, causing some distortion of vision.

Phakic Intraocular Lens (PIOL) Implants: A phakic intraocular lens (PIOL) implant may correct either extreme nearsightedness or extreme farsightedness. Unlike cataract surgery, your natural lens is not removed; rather, the implant sits in front of the natural lens. In effect, the PIOL becomes an internal contact lens.

Implantable contact lens technology has arisen out of the incredible advances in modern cataract surgery. Current technology allows ophthalmologists to insert flexible intraocular lenses (used to replace the natural lens after cataract surgery) through extremely small incisions. Some PIOL implants, too, are flexible enough to allow folding as they are inserted through small incision openings.

Because of the slightly increased risk of more serious complications, PIOL implants are reserved for high amounts of nearsightedness or farsightedness - beyond the safe limits of LASIK. In places where this technology is available, surgeons are implanting PIOLs in patients with myopia greater than 12.00 to 15.00 diopters and hyperopia greater than 4.00 to 6.00 diopters. In addition, PIOL implants may be preferable to LASIK in patients who fall within the safe LASIK parameters with regard to their prescription but who have thinner corneas, making the tissue removal aspect of LASIK less desirable.

Despite the excellent outcomes in most cases, complications associated with PIOL implants are currently the biggest concern. Specifically, in the early studies, a small percentage of patients developed cataracts shortly after implantation of one brand of the lens There is also a small risk of endophthalmitis (infection within the eye) because the surgical incision actually enters the eye. This rare complication could lead to a complete loss of vision. Endothelial cell loss with some lens designs is also a concern and is being studied rigorously.

Some ophthalmologists in the United States are currently implanting PIOLs as part of an FDA clinical trial. The procedure holds a lot of promise for extremely nearsighted and farsighted individuals. Ophthalmologists are eager to see how PIOL implants fare in current studies using newer lens designs and implantation techniques These lenses are currently being used in Europe and South America with very high success rates. The results of the U.S clinical trial will be presented to the FDA with the hope that it will authorize other eye surgeons to use this exciting new technology.

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Beyond LASIK: A Complete List Of Eye Corrective Procedures (Pt 1)

Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK): Laser vision correction with PRK is very similar to LASIK. The biggest difference is that no microkeratome is used and no corneal flap is created. Instead, the excimer laser makes its correction directly on the surface of your cornea, removing the central epithelium and Bowman's layer (the second corneal layer) in the process. This results in several days of potential discomfort and blurred vision until the epithelium regenerates.

The actual laser part of the procedure takes twenty to ninety seconds. At the end of the procedure, a clear-bandage contact lens is placed over your eye to help keep you comfortable while the corneal epithelium regenerates (usually three to five days).

A typical PRK procedure takes about three to five minutes per eye. Operating on just one eye, or both eyes on the same day, is a decision to be made by the patient after discussing the pros and cons with the surgeon. Because the return of functional vision is prolonged under PRK, most surgeons prefer to wait at least one week before operating on the second eye.

Patients with certain corneal problems, such as an irregular corneal surface or a thin cornea, may be better candidates for PRK than for LASIK. The ultimate visual results are similar with PRK, although the recovery is somewhat prolonged in comparison.

One advantage of PRK over LASIK is that there is no risk of flap complications since no corneal flap is created. However, other potential complications of PRK are similar to those of LASIK. They include undercorrection, overcorrection, induced astigmatism, dry eye, haze, night glare and halos, loss of best corrected vision, infection or severe inflammation, and regression. Other disadvantages of PRK include the need for anti-inflammatory eye-drops for three months and the risk of corneal haze or scarring.

Regression occurs when a patient appears to be adequately treated on the first few postoperative visits, but over the next several weeks to months begins to return toward the original prescription. The amount of regression is usually small; however, occasionally it is visually significant and requires an enhancement procedure. The enhancement procedure is usually performed six to nine months after the original procedure. The time period before the return of optimal vision is significantly longer than with an enhancement after LASIK.

Intacs Corneal Ring Segments: Approved by the FDA in April 1999, Intacs corneal ring segments offer patients with mild myopia and minimal astigmatism another option for correcting their nearsightedness. Currently, the rings are approved for correction of nearsightedness up to 3.00 diopters in patients twenty-one years or older who have no more than 1.00 diopter of astigmatism. This procedure does not correct astigmatism. Patients who have astigmatism - even less than 1.00 diopter - need to understand they will be astigmatic postoperatively. Intacs are newer than LASIK and PRK, so they don't yet have a track record like the other two procedures.

With Intacs, two small plastic ring segments are inserted in the peripheral cornea through small incisional channels. A temporary suture is then used to close the incision. The rings cause the central cornea to flatten. The rings are intended to be permanent, but they may be removed if the patient wishes to reverse the correction. In clinical trials, when the rings were removed, many patients' eyes went back to their preoperative state. In some patients, they did not. Because some patients' eyes did not return exactly to their preoperative condition, the PDA will not allow the use of the term reversible, but Intacs are certainly removable if desired.

Intacs insertion takes slightly longer than LASIK, roughly fifteen minutes per eye under anesthetic drops. The recovery of clear vision takes slightly longer than LASIK. In addition, patients tend to experience more postoperative discomfort.

The cost of Intacs is roughly equal to, or more than, LASIK in most centers. Removal of the rings, either for fine-tuning the result or from dissatisfaction, is accomplished with a second surgery. The segments are removed, the eyes are allowed to heal, and an alternate procedure (such as LASIK, PRK, or a change in ring size) may be performed once the eyes have healed. The treatment range for Intacs is currently very limited.

Radial Keratotomy (RK): Until excimer lasers became available, radial keratotomy (RK) was the most commonly performed refractive procedure for nearsighted patients. With the aid of a high-powered microscope, the surgeon makes a series of radial microscopic incisions (usually between four and eight) on the surface of the cornea to reduce its curvature. This procedure was well suited for patients with low myopia and has been used for over twenty-five years. One form of RK, mini-RK, is still used occasionally for very minute degrees of nearsightedness, such as those resulting from slight undercorrections in LASIK or following cataract or clear lens extraction surgery.

Although outdated by excimer laser techniques, RK is still an effective procedure. It is used in those areas of the world that do not have access to the much more expensive laser technologies.

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Am I Qualified To Have Eye Surgery?

That's one of the first questions most people ask about refractive surgery. What they really want to know is: Will I be happy with my eyesight after my operation? Unfortunately, there is no simple formula to determine answers to these questions. Although general guidelines help eye doctors decide who might benefit from refractive surgery, each candidate must be carefully reviewed on a case-by-case basis. That is why you go to your eye doctor for individualized care and advice. Every operation must be considered in terms of a benefit-to-risk ratio for that specific patient. With elective surgery, it always pays to be conservative.

Figuring out if you might be a good candidate for refractive surgery is as much an art as a science. How will your doctor decide if you will be happy with your outcome? The process is inexact. Looking for people with reasonable expectations, eye doctors try to screen out patients who expect perfect results. Of course, what the laser does is science. With excimer laser surgery, your doctor enters a specific set of numbers into the laser's computer, and the software executes the instructions that control the laser pulses. But how does your doctor decide what numbers should be put in the computer? He must consider how your age will affect your wound-healing response and also must enter data in the computer that will produce a result that will work for your individual eyes and lifestyle. It takes long experience talking with many patients before and after each type of procedure to do this well.

Your doctor will want to know if you are happy with your eyesight with contact lenses. If you are, then the physician can attempt to duplicate your prescription with laser surgery. If you are thrilled with your vision with contact lenses that undercorrect your nearsightedness, your doctor can be more conservative in programming your surgical refraction. In other words, by targeting your correction at slightly under 20/20 in the distance, the risk of making you farsighted or overcorrecting you can be diminished. After discussing your personal expectations, your job, and your hobbies - and studying your eye examination and history - your surgeon must pick the exact numbers to put in the computer that, along with your healing response, will determine your future vision. This is the art of vision correction surgery.

Successful eye surgeons want to match your expectations to what they can deliver. Doctors look for indications that patients are highly motivated to improve their vision. Striving to operate on people who will be pleased with their outcomes, ophthalmologists should avoid performing surgery on anyone who expresses major doubts about a procedure. After years of observing patients' reactions to refractive surgery, physicians who specialize in this field start to develop a "sixth sense" about who will be happy with the results. But no matter how long surgeons have performed laser surgery, they continue to learn more from their patients. Such invaluable experience helps doctors identify people who should avoid having these elective procedures.

The range or degree of your refractive error is a key consideration in determining whether you are a good surgery candidate. Your physician will measure your corrected and uncorrected visual acuity. If you are nearsighted, can you read the 20/30 line on the eye chart? Or do you strain to see the big E (about 20/400 on some charts)? Generally, the higher the correction, the greater the motivation to have a laser operation.

LASIK surgery, unlike radial keratotomy (the older, non-laser operation), can improve a wide range of refractive errors, including farsightedness. Nearsighted persons currently can be treated if their refraction is between -1 and -12 diopters - sometimes, depending on the individual case, up to -14 diopters. Although extremely myopic people need help the most, LASIK can leave some of these patients with an unacceptable amount of residual error, meaning that they still will need glasses for distance. So if your correction is greater than -14 diopters, you may want to wait until medical technology has more to offer you. LASIK could improve your vision, but you probably still would have to wear corrective lenses after surgery.

Years ago, in doing refractive surgery before the modern LASIK technique was available, doctors often had to tell extremely near-sighted patients, "We're sorry. You're not a candidate. We can only make your vision about 50 percent better." Some people would respond, "I'll take it! I would like to have thinner glasses. I want to be less helpless without correction." They had reasons for seeking even a partial improvement in their eyesight. For them, better was better, whether better was perfect or not. Other patients would say, "Well. if you only can make my eyesight 50 percent better, why bother having surgery? I would still have to wear glasses even though they would be thinner." For these patients, not having a refractive operation would be the correct choice.

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Monday 27 June 2011

Ways employers can help their staff to lose weight

Healthy, happy, enthusiastic, and productive; these are words every company wants to use when describing its employees. Healthier, hydrated employees are more cost efficient. They miss less days of work and call in sick less often.

Happier employees will perform better at work and display a more positive attitude to tasks they are given. Employees with a higher morale and more enthusiasm are more productive. They feel better about themselves and take more pride in their work. Weight loss is one thing that can greatly improve the way people feel about themselves which improves performance. Not only self esteem benefits from weight loss, overall health will see a major improvement and energy levels are also raised.

In most businesses, particularly sedentary occupations, the majority of workers would like to lose some amount of weight, so if you can offer them assistance in this your business will reap the rewards of healthier, happier employees, who will appreciate the help and support you're offering them in their weight loss mission.

Ideas to help employees to lose weight are listed below:

1. A Water Cooler- Access to fresh cold water will help to keep employees moving and burn calories when they go to refill, and will suppress their appetite, as often we eat when we are only thirsty. In addition keeping refreshed and hydrated can raise metabolism meaning we burn calories faster. A water cooler will be convenient and stop workers using the vending machine for fizzy drinks every time they need refreshment.

2. Catering - If your work place has a catering kitchen, this should provide healthy salads and fresh fruit enabling workers to make healthy choices. If there are vending machines at work - get rid of them. This may be an unpopular decision at first but as workers waistbands shrink they'll thank you for it.

3. Companies often have sponsored events in aid of charity and to help raise their profile in the local area. Instead of a sponsored cake sale why not take the healthy option and sign up for a fun run or half marathon. Encourage employees to take part and make it a fun, social occasion and you're more likely to get a positive response. Remember that some workers will not be familiar with strenuous exercise, and need encouragement so make it an option to walk and walk along side them to show solidarity.

4. A weight loss challenge can be embarked upon in a non-official capacity in the office, and employees may find the motivation of each other key to their success. Encouraging each other to stay strong and make the right food choices is important, and people will be spurred on by watching the success of those around them.

5. Support. Encouraging comments can go further than you might think, and people who have been striving to lose weight will feel a boost if they think someone has noticed. Don't be critical of those who fall off the wagon, but always commend those who are trying hard and comment when you can see a difference in their appearance. People's appearance is key to their self esteem and having employees who are confident in themselves will only help your business in the long term.


J Murphy - Online Marketing - Providing information and advice on the health and lifestyle benefits of drinking water. For further information on bottled water, water coolers and a water dispenser.


In Search of the Perfect Electric Toothbrush

There has been a lot of clinical research on the advantages of using electric toothbrushes over manually brushing the teeth. Electric toothbrushes have been shown to be superior when it comes to eliminating plaque from the teeth as well as preventing potentially hazardous gum disease.

How an Electric Toothbrush Works

Electric toothbrushes vibrate at a very high speed. This results in the teeth receiving more brush strokes per minute than they would through manual brushing. The more brush strokes, the cleaner the teeth. This not only improves dental health, but makes teeth look whiter as well.

Electric toothbrushes come with many different attachments such as gum massagers and different cleaning modes. When selecting one, determining which features are important will assist in the selection. The bottom line is to purchase a system that will encourage developing and maintaining good oral hygiene practices for better dental health. There are models made for children, for people with physical disabilities; and the elderly often find that electric brushes are easier to use than conventional toothbrushes.

Normal Power Electric Toothbrush

Electric toothbrushes come in many different models and styles. Most of the lower-end toothbrushes will produce between 3,000 and 7,500 brush strokes per minute. There are two common types of brush head: rotary or pulsating. A rotary brush head spins in a circular motion to clean the teeth. Pulsating brush heads vibrate horizontally. When purchasing a toothbrush, it is suggested to look at the motion of the brush head to determine if it meets your preferences.

Many standard electric toothbrushes do not have additional features such as pressure sensors or quadrant cleaning timers, which ensure that each quadrant of the mouth receives a thorough cleaning. The major toothbrush manufacturers all make electric toothbrushes as well, such as Oral B and Phillips Sonicare.

Cybersonic Toothbrush

The Cybersonic toothbrush is produced by the Amden Corporation, which has been manufacturing sonic oral care products since 1992. They are a leader in the dental care field and combine engineering skill with technology to provide quality health and beauty products. Dr. Rob Murayama, who founded and is currently chairman of Amden Corporation, is a world renowned dentist. He has more than 20 years experience in dentistry and holds many US patents for his innovative breakthroughs in dentistry.

Sonic Toothbrushes

A sonic toothbrush produces 30,000 to 40,000 brush strokes per minute, which is significantly more than an ordinary electric toothbrush. It generates sound waves and vibrates water molecules to clean the teeth, working much more effectively to get the teeth and gums clean. Clinical studies show that a sonic toothbrush removes plaque more effectively than normal electric toothbrushes. They also incorporate the latest in toothbrush technology including timers, pressure sensors and self-cleaning, among other features.

Cybersonic Products

The Cybersonic3 Complete Oral Care System is one of the many Amden products that use patented harmonic resonance technology to clean teeth and freshen breath. It even flosses the teeth and cleans the tongue with its 45,000 brush strokes per minute. The sonic flossing system makes flossing easy and effective. The Cybersonic Eco edition uses 80 percent less electricity and runs on environmentally friendly batteries.

Cybersonic offers many different styles of brush heads, including pulsating and round options, as well as flossing attachments. The sonic tongue cleaning attachment works like a mini-vacuum to rid the tongue of odor-causing bacteria.

There is a one-step teeth whitening system that brushes on just like toothpaste. Sonic White One Step Bleaching Gel can be used with any type of toothbrush and is urea and carbamide peroxide free. Using the gel with the Cybersonic toothbrush results in a bright, dazzling white smile.

Information You Need About Idol White

Whoever thought bathing would be a source of great fun. Today, there are so many innovative features coming out in the market to change that. They transform the look of plain and bare bathrooms to sleek, glamorous rooms. And more than that, they provide more comfort and soothing sensation to the users. The contemporary bathtubs are now one of the most popular types of bathtub in the world.

Bathtubs today come in great shapes and sizes- narrow ones, twin tubs big enough to fit two persons for a romantic interlude, even therapeutic ones fitted with power water nozzles to concentrate on those stressed parts of your body. Apart from the basic bathtubs, there are also luxury pieces available. To add to it, they are also available in cute and hip designs for that cherished offspring of yours. The market for bathroom accessories also has great dimensions today. Towels, soaps, scrubs, bath pillows, shower caps, sponges- you name it, and its there. Maximum comfort in bathroom space is the keyword today in determining the accessories to pick. Bathroom accessories have also become an indispensible part of interior designing today, and Decorators use them optimally to enhance their decorative plans.

Choosing proper bathroom accessories goes a long way in lending elegance to any plain bathroom. Bath mats are a necessary accessory in both wet and dry bath space. In addition to the ordinary bath mats, today we find more contemporary designs in the market- the ones with geometric designs or bolder patterns. Bath pillows are another recent addition to bathroom accessories. They are especially useful to make your precious time in bathtubs more comfortable. Bathroom accessories now also include sweet-smelling frills such as scented soaps and scrubs. Classy potpourri placed here and there adds immense appreciation to any bathroom. And if you want a more functional tub, massage bathtubs from ModernSpa are in hot promote this month, and surely they will be your best choice.

The benefits of a contemporary bathtub are numerous. Life today is full of stress and brings us in frequent contact with toxins and environmental contaminants, but stress does not take over our life, all of us can take advantage of the many benefits of contemporary bathtubs. Once you have decided which type of bathtub you would like to purchase, you will need to decide on a particular tub. Perhaps, the best way to do this is to start your shopping.

If you love the idea of contemporary bathtubs and are thinking about installing one in your home, and you want to know more about spa and their benefits you should visit ModernSpa and see for yourself how wonderful contemporary bathtubs can be for you. ModernSpa is a professional spa manufacturer,who is majoring in steam showers wholesale prices, contemporary bathtubs, free standing baths, whirlpool spa wholesale, shower enclosure, free standing baths and bathroom accessories. Our main aim is not only to gain your business but also your confidence. So for your beauty, for your health, comes to Modern Spa to buy a hot tub product at home and enjoy spa everyday.
Author Resource:- ModernSpa is a professional bathtubs manufacturer,who is majoring in steam showers wholesale prices, infrared saunas, hot tubs for sale, freestanding bathtubs, shower enclosure, massage bathtubs, soaking tubs and wholesale bathroom accessories.
Article From Base Articles

Saturday 25 June 2011

Healthy Steps Teams with Fresh Foods to Create a Winning Combination

resh is best. Team up Healthy Steps portion control kitchen tools with the freshest ingredients straight from the garden to serve simple, wholesome meals every time and make sure everyone is getting their proper portions.

President and CEO of Healthy Steps by Jokari, Doug Taeckens, shared three tips for simplifying meal-making this summer plus a delicious recipe. "Summer is the best season for enjoying nutrition-packed, simple-to-prepare recipes, along with plenty of fresh produce. Enjoy this recipe from Healthy Steps today."

• Control your portions - The keys to eating right are easy; fill half of your plate with fruits, vegetables or salad and control those portions on the other half of the plate. If you serve too much food, you eat too much food. The Healthy Steps Portion Control Serving Set does all the work for you. Serve the perfect portion sizes of protein, vegetable and starch right from the stove.

• Keep it fresh - Seasonal ingredients straight from the earth offer not only the best vitamins and nutrients, but they deliver the best taste. Plant your own or visit your local farmers market for fresh-from-the-farm goodness. Healthy Steps Produce Saver keeps light away from your potatoes and onions, preventing them from sprouting. The breathable fabric allows produce to breathe and extends the shelf life of onions, garlic, mushrooms, beets, potatoes and more. The bag is labelled so you know what you have stored, while a handy drawstring closure provides easy access to the vegetables.

• Measure recipe portions - Raw almonds are loaded with healthy mono-unsaturated fats. The new Healthy Steps Nut Bowl and Scoop makes it easy to enjoy nuts in portion-controlled servings. Just use the bowl's lid to scoop nuts from bulk packaging into the nut bowl. The bowl measures one or two servings - just right for a healthy snack or to measure and top off a dinner with a proper portion of nuts.

Follow these tips and the recipe below to score a win for the whole team at home.
Asian Tenderloin with Broccoli Slaw
2 tablespoons honey
1 tablespoon low sodium soy sauce
2 (1-pound) pork tenderloins, trimmed
1 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon pepper
3 tablespoons lime juice
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon sugar
2 cups pre-shredded carrots
1 cup broccoli slaw
½ cup snow peas
6 green onions, thinly sliced
¼ cup sliced almonds

Preheat oven to 450 F. Place pork in a 13x9 baking pan. Stir honey and soy sauce in a small bowl; brush thickly all over pork. Salt and pepper to taste. Bake for 30 minutes or until the thermometer inserted into the center registers 145F. Transfer pork to cutting board to cool.

In a medium bowl stir together the lime juice, olive oil and sugar; toss broccoli slaw, carrots and all remaining ingredients; stir to combine. Thinly slice pork on the diagonal. Spoon broccoli slaw salad onto the serving plate and top with pork slices and sliced almonds.

Hearing Aids: An Important Tool for Daily Living

people across the world face different types of diseases and physical disabilities. With the advancement in medical sciences and other technology, these ailments have become curable. One such physical disability of hearing impairment has witnessed serious revolution in the 21st century. Hearing aids are the perfect instruments for amplifying sounds from the immediate environment. These instruments are especially used by people suffering from hearing loss. Being an electroacoustic device, it fits behind or within the ear for better modulation of sound.

Hearing aids are available in both analog and digital models. Analog devices have been in the market from many years and are less expensive as compared to the digital hearing aids. However, these analog devices provide less sound quality and features than that provided by the digital ones. Further, the digital hearing aids provide a cleaner sound quality and can be easily programmed by using a computer to achieve a high level of adjustment. These digital devices have become economical, which has really benefited people across the globe. More than anything else, the buyers in the market claim that the sound quality of a digital device is anytime better than the analog one. These devices come with advanced features such as bluetooth compatibility with varied electronic devices like mobile phones and computers.

The search for the best hearing aids can be done online, where a person can get enough details about the working, price and extra features of these instruments. These hearing instruments function on the durable life of the permanently fitted battery. By searching on Internet, an individual can get latest models of the best hearing aids at discounted prices.

One the competitively priced hearing devices available in the market are Oticon hearing aids. These devices are offered in various models with superior quality at affordable prices. It is important to do a lot of research before buying these hearing devices, which can help an individual to buy these at reasonable price. Oticon hearing aids come with the cost of servicing, which is offered by the network providers so that the buyer is benefited completely.

The studies done in recent times have shown that there are many good reasons to seek help for hearing loss. People wearing the hearing instruments are more likely to be involved in social activities and community as compared to the non-users. These hearing devices also help people in having healthier family relations, great level of confidence and better mental health.

Fumes And Headaches

It can be said that fumes are a part of our lives. Have you ever stopped to wonder what it is in the air we breathe in every day? Outdoors, cars let out fumes. Fumes, soot, ash and various other chemicals are constantly produced by factories. Fumes are also released when garbage is burned, crops are sprayed, asphalt is rolled out and welding is done. Fumes are also known to cause headaches, and with the amount of air pollution in our environment nowadays, it is a miracle that we have not developed permanent headaches!

The list gets even longer indoors; just take a look at the following list for common fumes inside our own homes that we inhale regularly:

- Tobacco smoke
- Perfume
- Oven fumes
- Insect sprays
- Cleaning products
- Paint
- Flowers
- The smell of a new car
- The smell of a new carpet


- Turpentine
- Thinners
- Acetone

All of these fumes and odors have been known to trigger headaches.

Why Fumes Cause Headaches

Fumes contain irritants or toxins that can irritate the delicate lining of the nose, throat and chest. Consequently, the blood vessels in the nose react to the irritation by enlarging and pressing on the nerves, resulting to a headache.

When Bad Smells are Good

Quite often, unpleasant odors act as a warning signal that something, such as rotten meat or sour milk, can't be good for you. Similarly, the headache associated with fumes also serves as a warning, since your body is basically letting you know that it does not like the substance and that you should avoid it quickly.

Carbon Monoxide, the Silent Killer

Carbon monoxide is a gas that is clear and odorless. There is no haze, smoke or smell to warn you of its presence. This makes carbon monoxide a very dangerous substance because you do not get any warning sign. However, you can tell if carbon monoxide is present in your home if you get frequent headaches. In this regard, you can consider yourself lucky as some people simply experience drowsiness and then black out. To ensure the safety of your family, have a carbon monoxide detector installed in your home right away.

Other Things You Should Do

If you get headaches in your home that go away when you are outside breathing fresh air, check the list below because doing so could save your life. In addition to the headaches, check if you also suffer from:

- Tiredness
- Muscle pains
- Upset stomach
- General lethargy
- Dizziness
- Unexplained illness

If some or all of the above holds true for you, then do the following:

- Check the flame on your gas range appliances. An orange color means that you have a big problem. A blue flame does not mean that it is entirely safe either. It is always a good idea to have your appliances checked annually.

- Check if your flue is blocked. If you are not sure, call a professional.

- Horizontal gas grills can pose a potential problem, particularly if you have an older model. Have it checked by a professional to be sure.

- Check your ventilation by inspecting air bricks and trickle vents. Not having enough ventilation means that carbon monoxide can be given off by your appliances.

If you are renting your home, make sure that your landlord issues you a safety certificate and that the appliances are checked annually. If your landlord does not do these things, let him know that the law requires these. And if you are a landlord, you are liable should a tenant becomes ill or dies as a result of your negligence. This is a crime and you can face prison time.

For more help on the prevention, treatment and remedies for migraines please see the Complete Guide To Migraine Headaches.

This free article is provided by the Free Articles Directory for educational purposes ONLY! It cannot be reprinted or redistributed under any circumstances.

Article Copyright By Author. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.   

Facial Pain And Headaches

While there could be many reasons you could be having facial pain, some of the reasons include dental problems such as tooth decay and bite disorder, neuralgia, earache, eye problems, neck problems, nasal problems, sinus problems and TMJ disorders. This article focuses on the first two on the list: dental problems and neuralgia.

Dental Problems

One in eight Americans suffer from severe and regular headaches that affect their daily lives. While a huge 80% of these headaches are caused by muscle tension, many headaches are caused by having a bad "bite" or simply the way the teeth meet together when the mouth is closed.

Headaches caused by dental problems usually involve the muscles, which can begin to hurt once they become tight for a period of time. The pain can be described as a dull ache that surrounds the head like a band. The pain can also be felt on either one or both sides of the head. In both cases, this headache can be relieved with aspirin.

Symptoms of Headaches Caused by Dental Problems

- Pain behind the eyes
- Tired jaw muscles when waking up in the morning
- Frequent teeth grinding
- Clicking or popping sounds in the jaw
- Tender or painful head and scalp when touched

Facial pain can be a miserable experience, with an intense, piercing or stabbing pain in the face that comes and goes. This pain is commonly felt in the jaw and cheeks, but it can also affect your eye or forehead, though this is far less common. In 97% of cases, only one side of the face is affected, with the first stabbing pain lasting for a few minutes, hours or even days, which is then replaced by a dull, prolonged ache.

The medical term for this is Trigeminal neuralgia or TGN, which means extreme pain from a nerve, in this case, the trigeminal nerve. Each side of the face has a trigeminal nerve that splits into three. These nerves normally take the sensations of touch and pain from the face, teeth and mouth to your brain. While the reason for TGN is not really understood, it is believed the pain is caused by the blood vessels pressing on the nerves.

Women and generally people over 50 are known to be mainly affected with TGN, although on occasion children can have it. During TGN, the face becomes extremely sensitive that even the slightest touch can trigger the pain. Because of this, TGN sufferers often stop washing their face, stop shaving, and even resort to not eating just to avoid triggering the pain.


While there are no diagnostic tests for TGN, its symptoms are quite distinctive, so your doctor will realize what it is when you describe it. Over-the-counter painkillers are not able to treat TGN; instead, an anticonvulsant drug similar for treating epilepsy is often used, as it helps to slow down the nerve impulses, eventually reducing the pain. This drug typically takes around two or three days to work. If you suffer constantly from TGN, the best recourse for you may be surgery, which can help relieve the pressure on the trigeminal nerve.

For more help on the prevention, treatment and remedies for migraines please see the Complete Guide To Migraine Headaches.

This free article is provided by the Free Articles Directory for educational purposes ONLY! It cannot be reprinted or redistributed under any circumstances.

Article Copyright By Author. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.   

Eyestrain And Headaches

In this age of technological innovations, we tend to spend too much time in front of computers, playing video games and watching television. We often hear people complain of a headache that they think is caused by eyestrain. There is some truth in this, particularly if you need to wear eyeglasses, contact lenses or your current prescription needs updating.

People who do not have 20/20 vision tend to experience headaches more often because the muscles controlling eyes have to work harder in order to press the eyeball into a shape that enables the eyes to see better. If you notice yourself squinting a lot, this is a sign that your eye muscles are trying to readjust your eyeballs for better vision. Prolonged periods of squinting will tire out the muscles in your eyes, eventually giving you a headache.

Computer Vision Syndrome

Computer Vision Syndrome, or CVS, was named for the now common eye problems suffered by long-term computer users in this day and age. CVS is unofficially also referred to as a "pixel headache."

Letters formed on a computer cause more problems than other close work because each tiny letter is made up of hundreds of tiny dots or pixels, and our eyes fill in the gaps to make them appear smooth. Since the muscles around the eye work harder than usual to do this, the result are headaches. While not actually damaging to your eyes, everything should return to normal after a brief period of rest.

In addition, computer users are also subjected to prolonged periods of bad posture, putting a strain on the muscles on the back and neck. Thus, bad posture also contributes to the occurrence of headaches.

Preventing Computer Headaches

- Take occasional breaks to get up and walk around. Get rid of any built-up tension by massaging your face, neck and head.

- Adjust the contrast on your monitor to ensure that the screen is not too bright. Better yet, cut down on the glare by using a monitor shield.

- Avoid sitting too close to the monitor.

- Make sure that there is adequate lighting while you work.

Checking Your Posture

Check if your monitor is at eye level. Your computer chair should also be at the right height, enabling your forearms to rest comfortably on the desk as you use the keyboard. Also, get rid of any obstructions under your desk so you can stretch out your legs once in a while.

Adequate Lighting

Ensure that you have adequate lighting in the room where you watch TV or work on the computer. If you do not have adequate lighting, your eyes have to work doubly hard to adjust themselves for better vision. This can lead to headaches. If you prefer watching TV or working on the computer with the lights turned off and you are prone to getting headaches, inadequate lighting can actually make things a lot worse for you.

Identifying Eyestrain

You might have some or all of the following symptoms if you have eyestrain:

- A headache after using the computer
- A headache after watching TV
- A headache after reading a book
- A burning sensation in the eyes
- Eyes that feel tight, itchy or irritated
- Tiredness
- Periods of blurry vision
- Periods of dizziness

If you have any of these symptoms, it is highly recommended that you consult with your doctor or ophthalmologist right away.

For more help on the prevention, treatment and remedies for migraines please see the Complete Guide To Migraine Headaches.

This free article is provided by the Free Articles Directory for educational purposes ONLY! It cannot be reprinted or redistributed under any circumstances.

Article Copyright By Author. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.   

Possible Natural Cures For Migraines

If you suffer from migraine headaches and are hesitant about taking prescription medicines, there is some good news. There are natural ways to relieve your migraines without the side effects of prescription drugs. There are natural herbs that are effective in reliving migraines and other natural treatments that we will discuss in this article. But first let's take a look at the natural herbs and supplements.

The herb feverfew has been used in Europe for centuries. It is used to treat migraines, arthritis and fever. If you are currently taking medicine for blood thinning such as coumadin or aspirin you should not take feverfew because it will increase your bleeding time. It is especially important not to take feverfew a few weeks prior to and after surgery. It has also not been studied on pregnant women or nursing mothers, so it's best not to take it during these times.

Magnesium is a mineral found naturally in your foods and in your body. It is thought that a low magnesium level can contribute to the chemical imbalance in your brain that causes a headache. Some studies have shown that taking a magnesium supplement daily reduced the frequency and duration of migraines.

The herb butterbur has been used to relieve migraines, stomach cramps, cough, allergies and asthma. An extract from the plant is used because the raw herb in a natural state can be toxic to the liver and kidneys.

Another supplement that may help prevent migraines is high doses of riboflavin or Vitamin B-2. There has been a theory that this vitamin may help correct tiny deficiencies found in brain cells.

Acupuncture may be worth a try for a migraine cure. This method uses tiny, thin needles that are inserted just into the skin at certain points on your body to help relieve migraine pain. The insertion of the needles stimulate the release of endorphins into your body. Endorphins are known as the body's natural pain killer and they also produce a sense of well-being. More and more Americans are turning to acupuncture as an alternative form of treatment.

Another method is called biofeedback. In this method electrodes are placed on your skin and you are hooked up to a machine that monitors your heart rate, skin temperature, brain waves and muscle tension. Your are then taken through a series of relaxation techniques until you learn to control these physical responses.

Massage is a great way to reduce stress. However, it's effect on migraines have not been studied. But if you think that your migraines are caused from stress and muscle tension in your back and neck, a weekly massage may be very beneficial to you.

As you can see, there are several alternative treatments for migraine pain. The most important thing that you need to do is to make your doctor aware of any treatment or supplement you may be taking. Although vitamins and herbal supplements are over the counter medicines, they can still have a dangerous interaction with some prescription medicines. Do your research, try different methods and before you know it you may have a natural cure for your migraine pain.

For more help on the prevention, treatment and remedies for migraines please see the Complete Guide To Migraine Headaches.

This free article is provided by the Free Articles Directory for educational purposes ONLY! It cannot be reprinted or redistributed under any circumstances.

Article Copyright By Author. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.