
Thursday 11 August 2011

What Is Your Ideal Weight & How Many Daily Calories are needed?

Maintaining an ideal weight is a matter of calorie control as well as exercise. As a number of people do not get enough time to exercise, it is best to control ones weight by maintaining the calorie count. The most effective way to control your weight and stay healthy is to keep a track of what you eat and how much you eat.
Ideal Weight

The ideal weight of a person is best calculated by taking into consideration the structure of your body i.e. how tall you are and how much is your body mass such as bone and muscle and fat. To maintain optimum weight, more than 20-30% is enough. Achieving an ideal weight depends upon the intake of calories as well as the way they are utilized. Your ideal weight will depend on your height, thus, both height and weight should be in proportion to each other.
Calorie Intake

Maintaining the intake of calories is very important to have a healthy body. One should try to keep track of the foods they eat and the calories they consume. Different people with different jobs need different amount of calories depending upon the calorie usage. Your calorie in take should depend upon your body structure, age and the kind of work you do.
How to Calculate Your Ideal Weight

One can check if they have an ideal weight judging by their height and weight. Both should be in proportion to each other. People with short length should not be fat while people who are tall should not be too thin.

An alternative way to judge ones weight to know if it’s ideal is to calculate your body mass index (BMI). To calculate, divide your weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared. The normal acceptable range of this measurement is 20.1 to 25.0 for men and 18.7 to 23.8 for women.
Calorie Counting

Calorie counting is the best way to maintain body weight. It does not necessarily mean to control ones calorie intake but how many calories one is consuming. One highly effective way of counting calories is to keep a track of what you eat. Write down what ever you eat and drink along with the amount of calories it contains and then add up the score. This is a good method to count the calorie intake.
How to Regulate Calorie Intake to Maintain Ideal Weight

Calorie intake can be regulated according to the body weight and the calories that one spends. A sensible food program should contain all food items as long as the over all calorie intake is according to the body needs. Foods rich in fats and sugar contain more calories than foods like rice or wheat. Foods light in calories but nutritious should be eaten more, especially when you are trying to loose weight. To maintain an ideal weight, it is necessary to keep a check on what you eat and know how many daily calories are needed for a better health.

It can be said that weight control and calorie count go hand in hand. If you want to have an ideal weight, calorie count should be properly monitored.

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