
Thursday, 11 August 2011

Strokes And Dementia

Dementia can create a mental picture that it means to talk about the ones suffering from the Alzheimer's disease who find it very difficult to remember things and their close relationships and thereby causing character collapse leading to an outburst of fury and irritations. Reasons that cause Dementia are both curable and permanent and depending upon this the disease can be treated.

The major cause of Dementia is the failure of the cerebral cortex which functions in taking care of the thinking abilities, remembering and character. Once the cells corresponding to the brain in the cerebral cortex deteriorate it can be found that the perception and reasoning will diminish in people who face this illness. They will feel it difficult to manage and align simple things like routine management and cooking .

One out of the causes of Dementia is Alzheimer's disease and maybe a very annoying problem nowadays.Vascular Dementia is also supposed to the very main reason in this deteriorating problem. A group of simple strokes making the brain malfunction is called Vascular Dementia. When one happens to face these two conditions at the same time and these can worsen the start of Alzheimer's Disease.

Strokes can be characterized by blocking of blood to the brain. It can be a result of the bulging of the arterial walls or stone formation in the walls of the artery leading to the brain. Oxygen is supplied through blood to the brain and when stopped for a period of time the cells deteriorate. simple strokes erase memories and thereby make making senses of time, direction, and recognition difficult to distinguish.

Irritation may be the result of Failure in achieving targets of daily schedule and memory loss. Character transformation is very important in case of lowering the occurrences of strokes while major reasons cannot be avoided. Streamlining the Food habits and following a routine of physical activities are the key reasons to enhance the flow of blood and reducing the blood pressure. Stone Formation in walls of the artery are due to the bad cholesterol also termed as LDL.

Dementia is unbearable and its always safe to prevent it by following a healthy routine of Exercise and diet.This can lower the occurrences of strokes to a great extent and Dementia too. When our dear ones are affected by strokes its difficult to digest though simple or complex.

Know more on preventing dementia naturally by trying the natural dementia treatment program.Naturally treating Dementia is widely chosen rather than the importance induced on the other medications.

Blue Heron Health News is a leading publishing firm in the area of natural health. Their natural health publications include an all natural dementia remedy

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What Is Your Ideal Weight & How Many Daily Calories are needed?

Maintaining an ideal weight is a matter of calorie control as well as exercise. As a number of people do not get enough time to exercise, it is best to control ones weight by maintaining the calorie count. The most effective way to control your weight and stay healthy is to keep a track of what you eat and how much you eat.
Ideal Weight

The ideal weight of a person is best calculated by taking into consideration the structure of your body i.e. how tall you are and how much is your body mass such as bone and muscle and fat. To maintain optimum weight, more than 20-30% is enough. Achieving an ideal weight depends upon the intake of calories as well as the way they are utilized. Your ideal weight will depend on your height, thus, both height and weight should be in proportion to each other.
Calorie Intake

Maintaining the intake of calories is very important to have a healthy body. One should try to keep track of the foods they eat and the calories they consume. Different people with different jobs need different amount of calories depending upon the calorie usage. Your calorie in take should depend upon your body structure, age and the kind of work you do.
How to Calculate Your Ideal Weight

One can check if they have an ideal weight judging by their height and weight. Both should be in proportion to each other. People with short length should not be fat while people who are tall should not be too thin.

An alternative way to judge ones weight to know if it’s ideal is to calculate your body mass index (BMI). To calculate, divide your weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared. The normal acceptable range of this measurement is 20.1 to 25.0 for men and 18.7 to 23.8 for women.
Calorie Counting

Calorie counting is the best way to maintain body weight. It does not necessarily mean to control ones calorie intake but how many calories one is consuming. One highly effective way of counting calories is to keep a track of what you eat. Write down what ever you eat and drink along with the amount of calories it contains and then add up the score. This is a good method to count the calorie intake.
How to Regulate Calorie Intake to Maintain Ideal Weight

Calorie intake can be regulated according to the body weight and the calories that one spends. A sensible food program should contain all food items as long as the over all calorie intake is according to the body needs. Foods rich in fats and sugar contain more calories than foods like rice or wheat. Foods light in calories but nutritious should be eaten more, especially when you are trying to loose weight. To maintain an ideal weight, it is necessary to keep a check on what you eat and know how many daily calories are needed for a better health.

It can be said that weight control and calorie count go hand in hand. If you want to have an ideal weight, calorie count should be properly monitored.

Physical Activity Improves Your Health

To reduce the risk of diseases and illnesses, regular physical activity is one of the most important things. Physical activity helps in maintaining a healthy physique, controlling weight and strengthening the muscles, bones and joints. However, physical activity should be carefully planned keeping in mind the age of the individual.

Any activity that includes physical movement of the body and helps to maintain fitness level can be referred as physical activity. Regular physical activity improves your health as it can help in prevention of diseases such as blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases.

It is not true that physical activity means all work and no play; it can be made interesting by introducing the activities you enjoy and can carry out easily. Physical activity should be planned on daily or regular basis.
Various Types of Physical Activity

Physical activity can be chosen according to your age and taste. It can be anything from swimming to cycling on a stationary bike. It can also be taking a long and brisk walk or lifting weights as well as playing games such as badminton or baseball.
Physical Activity in Daily Life

It is very convenient to follow a regular physical activity routine in your daily life. In can be adapted according to the environment in which you live.
At Home

    For people who stay at home, it is convenient and easy to work out. Exercise can be combined with other activities as well such as watching TV or talking on the phone.
    Do the housework yourself, instead of hiring others to do it.
    Take a short walk before every meal. Start with 5 to 10 minutes and work up to more.
    Take a short walk inside your house for getting or placing things.
    Take a short walk to nearby places or shops instead of driving.
    Walk the dog.

At Office

Try to avoid sitting on your seat all day long. Try to include some physical activity in your schedule or spent some time walking around.

    Stand while talking on the phone.
    Take stairs instead of elevators.
    Walk down to office instead of using the phone.
    Get off the bus at a block before yours and walk home.
    Take a walk during the lunch hour, before or after lunch.

How to Arrange Physical Activity

Physical activity can be arranged in form of play and recreation, which are also very important and beneficial for good health.

    Plan family outings and vacations that include activities such as swimming, hiking, cycling etc.
    When playing golf, walk instead of using the golf cart.
    Go to beach and talk a brisk walk.
    Engage in physical exercise while listening to your favorite music.
    Play games such as tennis and basketball.

Benefits of Physical Activity

    Physical activity reduces the risk of diseases such as heart stroke, diabetes and breast cancer.
    In economic terms it reduces the costs of health care, increased productivity and social environment.
    It reduces body weight, prevents obesity and reduces symptoms of depression.
    It helps in providing recreational enjoyment and reduces violence, thus enabling people to maintain peace and harmony in life.

To conclude, it can be said that to improve ones health and to stay fit, regular physical activity is very necessary. It not only helps you to stay healthy and improves your health but also provides recreational activity which is equally necessary for your mental health.

Importance of Fitness for Health

Quality of life is the most important thing one can want from life. Good health combined with happiness helps us achieve a high quality of life. Fitness is what makes us achieve these things as quality of life is only attained by a healthy life and fitness makes a life healthy.
Fitness has been defined as:
‘Good physical condition, the condition of being suitable’

Fitness is just as important as good health. Moreover, it can be said that fitness correlates directly with our health. If we are not taking care of our bodies, we get sick. Only fitness can help us maintain good health. You can become fit by following some exercises and taking a healthy diet.

Physical fitness is a set of attributes a person has in regards to a person's ability to perform physical activities that require aerobic fitness, endurance, strength, or flexibility and is determined by a combination of regular activity and genetically inherited ability.
Working Your Way towards Fitness and a Better Health

If you possess a weak health or have been sitting around for a long time, you can not start with a full fitness routine. You will want to start slow and build your fitness level little by little. Doing too much at once may harm you instead of doing any good. If you try to do too much at first, you are likely to abandon it as it will leave you too sore or weak.

Maintaining yourself as fit or getting fit does necessarily mean attending a gym or working out in an aerobics studio. Choose an activity that you actually enjoy and you are more likely to continue with it and notice improvement in yourself. The easiest exercise that you can start with is walking every day. Walking is the best exercise you can do. It involves the entire body and you do not need any special equipment to walk.
The Purpose of Health and Fitness Tips

The main purpose of theses health and fitness tips is to help you in living a better and satisfied life. Without fitness and health, life can lose all of its joys and it can make one feel dejected and withdrawn. Full of health and fitness, you can enjoy your life and live it to the fullest.

With only a few days workout, you will feel a new life in yourself and more healthy. Fitness can be achieved with the simplest of programs which help you attaining better health.
How to Remain Fit and Healthy

    Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetable.
    Increase your protein intake such as fish, lean meats, low fat diary products and beans.
    Eat foods rich in fiber such as beans, cereals, potatoes, nuts and seeds, whole meal baked goods and fruits and veggies.
    Take in good quantities of mineral found in fish, fruits, vegetable and cereals.
    Reduce stress as it is one of the big hurdles on your way to fitness. Meditation, exercise and massages are good way to relieve stress.
    Eat small meals throughout the day rather than big meals and always eat your breakfast as it helps in speeding your metabolism leading to proper digestion.
    Plan an exercise routine for yourself. You can start with an easy to do plan for a short time and increase the time as you go on. It will help you to stay in shape as well as cut down excess calories, maintaining balanced weight.
    Stop the use of drug and try to quit smoking as it is very dangerous for you and those around you. Also, cut down on alcohol to one glass per day.
    Try to get some sunshine early in the morning as it provides vitamin D as it works with calcium and controls body fats.

Fitness is an important part of a healthy life. By making some change in your life style and eating habits, you can move towards fitness and in turn a happier life.

How Does Moderate Exercise Boost Up Your Immune System

Moderate exercise has been found to boost the immune system of the body.

It strengthens body vulnerability and protects it from harmful virus and bacteria. Exercise has also been credited for fighting off various illnesses and infections by giving a boost in production of cells that attack bacteria. After various researches, it has been known that moderate exercise also lowers the risk of cold and flu.
Moderate Exercise

Moderate exercise refers to daily or routine exercise that helps the human body stay fit as well as helps in boosting the immunity in the body. It has been proved that regular and consistent exercise leads to substantial benefits in immune system health over the long term period as it cleanses the body through sweat and urine.
Immune System

A strong immune system enables you to fight all sorts of diseases, colds and flu’s. The immune system is the defense mechanism of the body which handles, controls and wards off all outside invaders. It fights off illnesses and infections when working in good condition. However, immune system does not develop or strengthens itself. There are other factors responsible for making it strong and function properly. Diet and exercise are two such factors which help greatly to boost immunity.
How Does Moderate Exercise Boost Immune System

    To protect the body against all outside elements and to ward off any illnesses and infection, immune system works hard. However, to work properly, immune system is supported by exercise that boosts up its working.
    Exercise has been widely credited with decrease in the diseases such as heart disease and cancer, as physical activity helps the lungs to get rid of bacteria found in the air and cause infections as well as through sweat.
    Exercise gives a boost in production of macrophagus, the cells that fight bacteria. These cells act as the main agents in protecting the body from outside elements and boost the immune system of the body.
    Diseases are often caused due to blockage in the intricate mechanism in the body. Therefore to defend the body against various diseases, it is important to keep the body and its mechanisms moving by following continuous moderate physical exercise.
    Stomach, bladder, walls of esophagus and other organs are made of muscles. When they work properly passing food through body, the immune system works well. The passage and the proper digestion of food depend on the moderate exercise that is carried out by a body.
    The increase in blood flow due to moderate exercise helps in circulation of anti-bodies and white blood cells that fight infection thus, giving the body a warning sign to fend off damaging germs.
    The increased body temperature resulting from moderate exercise aids in inhibiting the growth of bacteria, allowing body to fight illness more effectively.

To conclude, it may be said that moderate exercise is very necessary for the body as its helps in boosting the immune system and makes it stronger. Also, it allows the body to fight more easily with bacteria and enables it to stay healthy.

Daily 30 Minutes Exercise to a Better Health

According to doctors and health practitioners, one should try to do at least 30 minutes of exercise daily in order to achieve good health. Exercise not only keeps us fit but also reduces the risk of many fatal diseases such as blood pressure and heart stroke. Exercise can be any form of physical activity such as walking, swimming or cycling.

Any activity that increases your heart rate and makes you slightly out of breath can be called exercise. Daily exercise can be a part of ones regular routine as well as something that one does in order to keep fit. Exercise can also be carried out in form of daily chores or any other activity that one likes.

In order to stay healthy and maintain better health, doctors recommend at least 30 minutes of daily exercise. 30 minutes is the minimum time to gain health benefits. However, one is not compelled to do all at once; it can be done in short periods with rest in between to avoid exertion.
Different Modes of Exercise

Exercise does not mean to exert yourself or forcefully do what you do not like. It can be an activity which you like and enjoy. It can range from walking to swimming to hiking or cycling. It can also be some household chore that you enjoy doing.

Exercise can be made more fun when it is carried out with some one else. A game of badminton or tennis could be played with a partner giving a healthy exercise to both.
Benefits of Daily Exercise

Daily exercise, besides providing many benefits, saves one from many illnesses and problems. Giving 30 minutes to daily exercise can not only lead to better health but also provide a short period of peace and recreation.

    It helps in reducing weight.
    It helps in keeping stress and depression away, as it is a good way to work out.
    Helps in burning extra calories and fats.
    The risk of heart diseases and angina is reduced with the help of exercise. Exercise is good for heart muscles and reduces risk factor.
    Exercise helps in maintaining normal blood pressure and cholesterol level.
    Regular exercise helps to prevent osteoporosis in women and strengthens the bones.
    Regular exercise is very effective in reducing the chance of colon (bowel) cancer as well as breast cancer in women.
    For older people it helps in maintaining their balance, especially if they exercise regularly.

Some Guide Lines Regarding Exercise

When you start planning an exercise, it is very important to keep in mind your health and age. If needed, you should also consult your doctor about which exercise suits you most and how you should do it.

    People suffering from heart diseases should ask their doctor before starting to minimize any risk.
    Some injury may occur due to repetitive use of the same exercise.
    If you have a joint or bone problem, you should stick to light exercise or consult a trainer.

In short, taking at least 30 minutes out of your life for exercise is very necessary, as exercise helps in maintaining your health as well as prevents many other problems. However, exercise should be done keeping in mind the problems you have previously faced and follow limits.

Sickle Cell Diseases Can Be Diagnosed In Children

Sickle cell disease is a form of blood disorder wherein the red blood cells in the blood make abnormal hemoglobin which is main carrier of oxygen in the body. The usually normal red blood cells which are round and soft become curved like a sickle and even stiffer resulting in them blocking the blood vessels.

Different types of sickle cell diseases are found which are either mild or those which cause severe ill health. This blood disorder is hereditary wherein the patient acquires it from his/her parents and is passed on through genes.

As the disorder is hereditary, it usually becomes evident from the childhood itself, wherein the child inherits the sickle hemoglobin gene from one parent and a sickle gene or another abnormal hemoglobin gene from the other parent.

In some cases, the child has one normal gene and one sickle cell gene. In that case, this child becomes the carrier of the disorder and can pass them on to his next generation. This indicates that the child has just the traits of sickle cell, but does not suffer from the disorder. If a child is born to parents both having sickle cell trait, then he/she has only 25 percent chance of contracting this disorder.

Owing to the red blood cells of people with this disorder not getting enough oxygen, the usually round and soft cells change their shape and become longer and curved.

These curved cells tend to get stuck in the blood vessels and blocks blood from reaching parts of the body.

This blocked blood vessels in the arms, legs, chest or any other parts of the body causes severe pain. As the form of disease is frequently seen in children, it has been found that they are more susceptible to infections.

These infections are caused mainly due to their spleen being damaged by sickle cells. When any kind of pain is caused due to the sickle cells blocking the follow of blood to the various organs, then the condition is called as `sickle cell crisis’ or `pain crisis’.

Usually tests are undertaken in children who have a likelihood of getting this disorder due to their either or both parents having it. Of late, most states test newborn babies for this disorder through a special blood test.

Once the child is diagnosed of this disorder, and then his/her parents need to take special precautions from the child contracting any kind of infection or lung problems.

The child also needs to take antibiotics like penicillin to avoid contracting infections. Apart from this, adequate among of folic acid is needed to replace all the damaged blood cells supplemented with healthy diet and plenty of water. The child should also take all the necessary shots along with some special ones recommended by the doctor.

The child also needs to have regular check-ups and follow-up check ups to ensure that there are no further complications or internal injuries.

If the child has contracted any further infection, fever, weakness or breathing problem, then he/she need to take intravenous fluids and antibiotics. In severe cases, blood transfusion, oxygen as well as strong pain killers are administered on the child.

Some of the most common symptoms seen in children suffering from this kind of disorder are paleness of the skin, yellow color of the skin, swollen limbs, fever or signs of infection, loss of appetite, tiredness, bouts of pain in various parts of the body, breathing problem or severe headache.

Though there is no cure for this disorder, if adequate care is taken, then people suffering from this disorder can lead a normal life. In some cases, it has been found that bone marrow transplantation had cured the disease.

Some of the preventive measures to avoid crisis are daily dosage of penicillin to keep away from infection. The individuals with this disorder should remain as healthy as possible by having a healthy diet, take lots of rest and drink plenty of water. They should also avoid any chances of falling ill or getting too tired.

To reduce or control pain, usually some over-the-counter pain killers are prescribed. However, if the pain is severe, then mild narcotic like codeine is prescribed which the patient has to take regularly rather than wait for the pain to come.

Usually, hot bath, heating pad, rest, massage or physical therapy also provide relief to the patients. To add to all these, the patient should develop a positive attitude towards his/her condition and learn to deal with it.

What Is Normocytic Anemia

Anemia is considered to be a disorder when there is a decrease in the circulating red blood cell mass to below age-specific and gender-specific limits. One of the most common forms of anemia is the Normocytic anemia.

It is a blood disorder wherein, the blood has normal red blood cells; however, they are lesser in number. In this form of anemia, the mean corpuscular volume (MCV) is within defined normal limits, but the hemoglobin and hematocrit are decreased. This kind of anemia is caused either congenitally wherein the disorder is prevalent when the patient is born or is acquired due to some kind of infection or disease.

When this form of anemia is congenital, the main cause is that the red blood cells in the blood are breaking up. Another similar disorder of the blood due to congenital problem of the red blood cells is the sickle cell disease. When the same disorder is an acquired one then the main cause is a chronic disease like kidney disorder, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis or thyroiditis. The main symptoms of this kind of anemia are tiredness, dizziness or weakness.

When such symptoms arise, the diagnosis of this kind of anemia is usually done through routine blood tests or a complete blood count (CBC). If the CBC indicates correct sized red blood cells however, in lesser numbers, then it is an indication that the patient is suffering from normocytic anemia. In some cases, they could be inherited, and then other family members also need to have their blood tested.

If the main cause of anemia is a chronic disease, then the disease needs to be cured first. In severe cases of this anemia, erythropoietin is prescribed which helps in the bone marrow producing more red blood cells. Statistics indicate that about 44% of men older than 85 years have this kind of anemia. Anemia of chronic diseases is so common that as much as 6 percent of adult patients hospitalized have this disorder.

Statistics also indicate that approximately 4.7 million Americans have anemia whereas population-based estimates indicate that this condition affects 6.6 percent of males and 12.4 percent of females and the prevalence of anemia increases with age. Though it affects mostly the elderly people; the main cause however is not due to old age.

Normocytic Anemia is also common in children. This mainly is due to iron deficiency as well as lead toxicity. Iron deficiency, in its early stages is usually distinguished by a normal MCV and is quite a common cause of mild normocytic anemia in children beyond the neonatal period. Other common childhood normocytic anemia's are the result of acute bleeding, sickle cell anemia, red blood cell membrane disorders and current or recent infections (particularly in younger children).

It is very important that the normocytic disorder is treated as soon as it is detected. The treatment of a normocytic anemia begins with timely identification of its cause. In most cases, the treatment is individualized to the chronic disease it is attached to. Treatments may include avoidance of trigger exposure in patients with hemolytic anemia, correction of iron, folate or vitamin B12 deficiency in patients with mixed disorders, or splenectomy in patients with hypersplenism.

Anemia of chronic disease is the most common normocytic anemia and the second most common form of anemia worldwide, the first being the iron deficiency anemia. In patients with this type of anemia, the MCV is considerably low. This is predominantly due to various reasons, one such being the hypoactivity of the bone marrow resulting in inadequate production of erythropoietin or lack of reaction to erythropoietin, as well as reduced life of red blood cell.

Apart from normocytic anemia found in patients of chronic disease, it is also found in patients with endocrine deficiency. These deficiencies are predominantly due to hypothyroidism, adrenal or pituitary insufficiency or hypogonadism. These deficiencies cause secondary bone marrow failure because of reduced stimulation of erythropoietin secretion.

Another main cause of this kind of anemia is the renal failure wherein anemia crops up in acute or chronic renal failure. Under such circumstances, anemia occurs mainly due to uremic metabolites decreasing the life span of circulating red blood cells and reduces erythropoiesis. Other causes of reduced red blood cell production and subsequent normocytic anemia are bone marrow infiltration, fibrosis, various myeloproliferative diseases and sideroblastic anemia's These rare disorders are generally diagnosed by bone marrow biopsy.

What Happens When You Have Vitamin B-12 Deficiency

Vitamin B-12 or cobalamin plays a vital role in DNA synthesis and neurological function. Deficiency can lead to a wide range of hematological and neuropsychiatric disorders that can often be cured provided treatment is given during early stages of diagnosis.

It is an important vitamin that is acquired by the body through various kinds of food items.

It is more often found in meat as well as diary products like milk, cheese, curd, butter, etc. and its helps in producing red blood cells and ensures smooth functioning of the nervous system. Usually individuals who do not eat meat or have adequate amount of dairy products tend to have low vitamin B-12, however, it is not always the case. In some cases, Vitamin B-12 deficiency is seen in people owing to their inability to absorb the vitamin through their stomach or small intestines.

Among humans, only two enzymatic reactions are found to be based on vitamin B-12. In the first reaction, methylmalonic acid is converted to succinyl-CoA using vitamin B-12 as a cofactor. In individuals with vitamin B-12 deficiency, there is an increased level of serum methylmalonic acid.

In the second reaction, homocysteine is converted to methionine by using vitamin B-12 and folic acid as cofactors. In this reaction, a deficiency of vitamin B-12 or folic acid may lead to increased homocysteine levels.

The true cause of vitamin B-12 deficiency in the general population is unknown, however, the number of cases is comparatively higher among middle as well as old aged. This condition is evident mainly due to increased intake of gastric acid-blocking agents used predominantly for ulcers and heartburns, which can lead to decreased vitamin B-12 levels.

The actual causes of vitamin B12 deficiency can be divided into three classes: nutritional deficiency owing to lack of nutrition in the diet; mal absorption syndromes by certain parts of the body and other gastrointestinal causes. Vitamin B-12 deficiency is a common cause of macrocytic anemia. The role of B-12 deficiency in hyperhomocysteinemia and the promotion of arteriosclerosis are only now being explored.

Diagnosis of vitamin B-12 deficiency is based on calculating the serum vitamin B-12 levels in the blood.

Apart from nutritional deficiency or mal absorption syndromes, vitamin B-12 deficiency can also be due to chronic gastrointestinal symptoms such as dyspepsia, recurrent peptic ulcer disease, or diarrhea.

Apart from these, in rare cases, the deficiency could be due to Whipple's disease which is a rare bacterial infection that impairs absorption; Zollinger-Ellison syndrome which is gastrinoma causing peptic ulcer and diarrhea or Crohn's disease.

Patients with a history of intestinal surgery, strictures, or blind loops may have bacterial overgrowth which might take away all the dietary vitamin B-12 in the small bowel. Same is the case when a person is infested with tapeworms or other intestinal parasites. Congenital transport-protein deficiencies, including transcobalamin II deficiency, are some of the other rare causes of vitamin B12 deficiency.

If the level of vitamin B-12 goes much below normal, then the individual may suffer from anemia, depression, dementia or a serious problem with the nervous system. In some severe cases, people have high levels of homocysteine owing to the presence of an amino acid in the blood.

These symptoms would make the individual more susceptible to heart diseases or strokes. Some of the main causes of this disorder wherein there is reduced absorption of vitamin B-12 are pernicious anemia wherein the cells in the stomach with the ability to absorb vitamin B-12 are destroyed; excessive usage of medication for heartburn and ulcers and/or surgery of the stomach or intestine resulting in an inability to absorb vitamin B-12.

Treatment for Vitamin B-12 deficiency cannot be done by taking over-the-counter vitamin tablets but through special vitamin B-12 pills or injections.

During the beginning of the treatment, the injections are administered more frequently which is 1 to 2 days for about 2 weeks and then once every month which needs to be taken usually rest of their lives.

Once a person has been diagnosed to have vitamin B-12 deficiency, a treatment plan needs to be put together which should have adequate follow-ups to ensure that the patient is responding favorably to therapy.

If vitamin B-12 deficiency is associated with severe anemia, correction of the deficiency state should lead to a marked reticulocytosis in one to two weeks. In mild vitamin B-12 deficiency, repeat tests of the serum vitamin B-12, homocysteine, and methylmalonic acid levels over two to three months after initiating treatment should be undertaken.

What Is HealthCare Education

Staying healthy is very important for everyone. More and more people are now recognizing the need to be concerned about their health. You health is your most important asset. Health care education at the moment is only meant for people who want to become physicians, pharmacists, nurses, medical technologists, or related health care professionals. Healthcare education is thus basically a specialized subject you can choose at college or university level.
This is fine; healthcare needs to be a specialized subject for professionals only, but primary health care should also be promoted among the masses. Today healthcare has become a complex issue with many hurdles and hindrances.
Every day new diseases and illness and their related complications are being discovered. People need to learn how to take better care of themselves and their loved ones and stay safe and healthy. By primary health care we mean basic health care. People need to learn that by eating right, becoming physically active and going for regular medical check ups as they grow older, they can keep most harmful diseases and conditions away.
Avoiding alcohol and not smoking also improves a person’s quality of life. By simply following these basics most people can stay healthy. Most conditions like heart disease, kidney and liver problems, and diabetes are all caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, being obese and living a sedentary existence.

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Strokes And Dementia

Dementia can create a mental picture that it means to talk about the ones suffering from the Alzheimer's disease who find it very difficult to remember things and their close relationships and thereby causing character collapse leading to an outburst of fury and irritations. Reasons that cause Dementia are both curable and permanent and depending upon this the disease can be treated.

The major cause of Dementia is the failure of the cerebral cortex which functions in taking care of the thinking abilities, remembering and character. Once the cells corresponding to the brain in the cerebral cortex deteriorate it can be found that the perception and reasoning will diminish in people who face this illness. They will feel it difficult to manage and align simple things like routine management and cooking .

One out of the causes of Dementia is Alzheimer's disease and maybe a very annoying problem nowadays.Vascular Dementia is also supposed to the very main reason in this deteriorating problem. A group of simple strokes making the brain malfunction is called Vascular Dementia. When one happens to face these two conditions at the same time and these can worsen the start of Alzheimer's Disease.

Strokes can be characterized by blocking of blood to the brain. It can be a result of the bulging of the arterial walls or stone formation in the walls of the artery leading to the brain. Oxygen is supplied through blood to the brain and when stopped for a period of time the cells deteriorate. simple strokes erase memories and thereby make making senses of time, direction, and recognition difficult to distinguish.

Irritation may be the result of Failure in achieving targets of daily schedule and memory loss. Character transformation is very important in case of lowering the occurrences of strokes while major reasons cannot be avoided. Streamlining the Food habits and following a routine of physical activities are the key reasons to enhance the flow of blood and reducing the blood pressure. Stone Formation in walls of the artery are due to the bad cholesterol also termed as LDL.

Dementia is unbearable and its always safe to prevent it by following a healthy routine of Exercise and diet.This can lower the occurrences of strokes to a great extent and Dementia too. When our dear ones are affected by strokes its difficult to digest though simple or complex.

Know more on preventing dementia naturally by trying the natural dementia treatment program.Naturally treating Dementia is widely chosen rather than the importance induced on the other medications.

Blue Heron Health News is a leading publishing firm in the area of natural health. Their natural health publications include an all natural dementia remedy

To find other free health content see

Anxiety and Panic Help, Understanding Feelings Of Unreality/depersonalisation

In the process of writing this book I covered the feeling of detachment from oneself, otherwise known as depersonalisation: an emotional disorder in which there is loss of contact with your own personal reality accompanied by feelings of unreality and strangeness, also a sensation of ones environment looking or feeling ‘strange’ and unusual.

This one question kept coming up more and more as I was writing this book, so I decided to add an extra chapter on this annoying, yet harmless, symptom.

D.P., as I will refer to it, is a common and understandable offshoot of the anxiety condition. I can also tell you that it is in no way a mental illness. It is not serious or harmful in any way and has a totally logical explanation. It is temporary and, with patience and understanding, eventually passes like any other symptom.

The key to recovering from this feeling of detachment is to surrender to this strange feeling, to pay it no respect and realise it is just the product of an over-tired mind, fatigued by your constant worrying thoughts and the constant checking in to how you feel. This symptom relies on your fear of it to keep it alive.

When people are caught up in the worry cycle, they begin to think deeply and constantly. They study themselves from deep within, checking in and focusing on their symptoms. They may even wake in the morning only to continue this habit, “How do I feel this morning? “I wonder if I will be able to get through today". What’s this new sensation I feel?" This may go on all day, exhausting their already tired mind further. This constant checking in and constant assessing of their symptoms then becomes a habit, but like all other habits this one can also be changed.

All this worry is bound to make your mind feel dull and unresponsive. Is it any wonder you have come to feel so distanced from your surroundings? Is it any wonder you find it so hard to concentrate? Some people, when studying for exams for hours on end, get to the point where they can no longer take information in, so they take a break and carry on the day after. For you, there are no breaks and no time outs.

As I have already mentioned earlier, your body has a safety mechanism that protects it from all this worry and slows the mind down to safeguard itself. It takes a step back from this onslaught, which can then produce your feelings of detachment and the world around you may become hazy or out of focus.

Once you understand this symptom as being caused by an over-tired mind, exhausted through worry, that you are not going mad and these feelings can’t harm you in any way, it makes sense. With the fear factor taken out of this symptom, it can start to hold less power over you and affect you less than it did before. Although still annoying, you now know why you feel these feelings. Once you learn to accept them and stop adding worrying thoughts to the mix, this is another symptom that you will be able to overcome in time. Taking a step back and giving up the worrying thoughts, gives your mind the chance to rest, rejuvenate and refresh.

When it happened to me, I recognised and understood what was causing it. I realised that I was checking in and worrying about it and I did fear this sensation, so I just stopped doing it. I also learnt to get busier and stop brooding on this and other symptoms. Being active gives you another focus. Having too much time on your hands can open the door to too much needless thinking. With less worry and fear of this harmless but upsetting symptom, I was eventually able to overcome it. It merely became a nuisance and because I knew the reason for its existence, it no longer held any power over me.

When a worry or fear loses its importance, it loses its power and that is why it is essential to realise these symptoms are neither harmful nor serious. Gradually, without all the checking in and worrying, this symptom that so dominated my life began to diminish and eventually disappeared completely.

This symptom is like any other all symptoms are still being fuelled by your fear of them. As long as the fear continues, so will the symptoms. When we start to understand why we feel like we do, we automatically fear them less and they start to lose their edge and importance, this is when symptoms gradually start to fade.

Paul David spent years after his own recovery studying the whole subject in full so he could go on to dedicate his life to helping others. He then went on to write a book entitled ‘At Last a Life’ telling his own story of recovery and what took him there. For more information and better understanding of the subject visit his website at:

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Finding The Right Acne Control Product

Does your acne make you feel embarrassed and depressed? Do you feel like you have tried almost all acne control products and acne skin care systems on the planet but then they left your skin looking dry, red and irritated? Although acne is said to be the chronic problem of most adolescents, adults get acne as well.

Acne is a common skin condition that affects almost everyone at some time in their lives. Certain reports have noted that over ninety percent of the world’s total population is affected by acne, and it’s so sad to tell that until now there is still no particular method that will cure or eliminated acne totally. However, there are some basic steps and precautions that can help you control acne before it starts.

Tips to control acne before it starts!

1. You can definitely control acne before it starts by simply not picking, popping, or squeezing the acne lesions you have. Always note that squeezing or picking the acne can just worsen the condition as it can lead to further infection and scarring on the skin.

2. The act of washing your pillowcase often and using clean face towels will also help to prevent acne before it appears.

3. If you have a makeup, you can remove it before going to bed so to prevent acne before it appears. With the application of this kind of acne treatment you can not only eliminate acne, but you can control new acne before it starts to form.

These tips and precautions are now highly considered by some acne patients knowing that they will help them not just in getting rid of existing acne, but prevent new acne before it starts to occur. But, if you will consider some products out there to prevent acne before it appears, just be careful about what you choose to use.

Some factors cause acne to occur and we can’t escape it. Consider and know your skin type. It is worth noting that those acne patients with oily skin are advised to select a gel based acne control products, while those with dry skin should pick up a cream based acne control product. However, if you are like most of the people and have a combination skin type, then you better select acne control products that work best with the afflicted areas of your skin.

Always note that the more sensitive your skin, the lower concentration of active acne control product ingredient you will need.

Many experts commonly maintained that picking up an acne control product that is too potent could worsen the skin condition, which can end up causing more acne. If your acne is too painful and the pain becomes intense after applying an OTC acne control product, you should then try taking an anti-inflammatory medication.

Finding the right acne control product today can be difficult with a variety of treatments in the market.

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Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Understanding The Acne And Hormones Connection

The development of acne is said to have a close connection with the changes in hormones. Certain studies have noted that people suffering from acne often have oily skin due to the high level of androgen and testosterone hormones present on the body.

The belief on the acne and hormones connection holds that acne, which is influenced by hormones, often starts around the age of 19 to 24, thus it can affect both the teens and mature women.

The acne and hormones connection further holds the idea that acne typically starts to appear when the body starts to produce androgen hormones. It is basically the androgens that incite the sebaceous glands to enlarge and emit sebum. It is merely the blocked follicles which become the breeding area for bacteria, resulting in acne.

It is worth noting that hormones basically regulate every function of the body. The connection between acne and hormones also explains the occurrence of acne in teens as well as in adults. In teens, it is commonly noted that during the onset of puberty, androgens are produced which holds a major role in the development of acne. And, in place of the adult, the acne and hormones connection believed that the menstrual cycle of every woman plays a role in its development.

Acne and progesterone are two major concepts that bothered most of the medical professionals as they talked about the causes and treatments of acne.

As you may know, acne is a common chronic skin disorder that affects millions of people of every age, gender, and race. In fact, almost ninety percent of the world’s total populations are victims of acne.

According to certain studies, acne and progesterone shows a certain connection in terms of causes and treatment. The connection between acne and progesterone appears to be more evident with the fact that progesterone is deemed as one of the factors that trigger the formation and development of acne, while others have considered that progesterone is necessary for fighting acne.

To explain the connection between acne and progesterone, certain studies have found out that during the menstrual period, a possible cause for acne formation, there is basically a hormonal imbalances as the progesterone secretion increase prior to the menstruation. Further studies are still conducted to know the real connection between acne and progesterone.

Many have thought that acne and progesterone are in a close bond as progesterone helps to eliminate acne. This is basically the reason that you may see some products out there highlighting progesterone as a treatment for acne. However, many still deemed that progesterone is but one of the minor factors that trigger the formation of acne. Whatever the findings maybe, acne is but a chronic disorder that needs personal attention.

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Understanding The Causes Of Acne

The first step in understanding
the causes of acne is to recognize that poor hygiene is one of the components which cause an acne condition. It can also be derived from genetics or hormones. The misnomer that unclean skin causes acne is erroneous. Actually, it is all glandular. As hormones increase, so does the production of oil. Thus, when the oil-producing gland near the surface of the skins opens, there is an oil build-up within the gland and the beginning of an acne condition develops.

There are several reasons why a person contracts acne. Specifically, when your skin becomes oily and clogs the pores, it is at this point the bacterium develops; and you break out in whiteheads, blackheads or pimples. Therefore, if your skin is naturally oily; you have raging hormones; amassed dead skin cells; your pores then become an open invitation to bacteria, which will lead to an acne outbreak.

If the condition cannot be controlled with conventional antibiotics, he may deduce that reducing your hormone levels may be a viable option in treating the acne. There are several medications that your doctor can prescribe. These medications will help to control the increase of hormones in your body, which will ultimately keep your glands clear of excessive oil. Some of the most commonly used treatments include estrogen/progestogen contraceptive pills. Estrogen tempers the hormonal secretion of oils. Also, anti-testosterone Cyproterone used with oestrogen can actually be quite helpful in treating acne. There are other medications to lower the hormone level; however because of their side effects, they are not prescribed so readily; except in extreme cases where every alternative has been utilized.

By understanding the causes of acne, you can certainly take preventative measures which will lessen the chances of a future occurrence. There is a plethora of information available on line or in your local library to conduct research regarding this condition, such as: the causes; the treatments, the side effects, and the overall understanding of hormonal imbalance and how it affects your body.

Some preventative measures you can take are: to wash your face every morning and evening to ensure proper skin care; follow the doctor's orders; use both your oral and topical antibiotics, if prescribed. The most common types of topical antibiotics used for the treatment of acne include salicylic acid (Clearasil), tretinoin, adapalene, and tazarotene. You should see results within five to six weeks. If, however, the condition worsens your doctor will explain the more aggressive types of treatment available.

There is another type of medication which your doctor may not prescribe. It's an antibiotic for your mind and body. Do not allow yourself to become stressed due to the insensitivity of others, who may offer an unkind word. Yes, you may be embarrassed and self-conscious, but acne sometimes happens. The good news is that by understanding the causes of acne you are better prepared to treat the condition and it will be gone before you know it.

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Discover Step-By-Step What The LASIK Experience Is All About

On the day of your LASIK procedure, it is natural to experience both excitement and nervousness. Patients who feel most at ease on that day are those who have asked questions, read about the LASIK procedure, and perhaps talked with former patients. Understanding LASIK and trusting your surgeon are important to helping you feel confident, calm, and prepared on the day of your procedure. You won't be able to drive immediately after the procedure, so it is recommended that you have someone drive you to the surgery center and pick you up when you're ready to leave.

How should I prepare for the day of my surgery?

Make an effort to arrive at the center rested and relaxed. You should plan to spend up to three hours at the laser center, although this amount of time varies from center to center. Wear comfortable clothing the day of your surgery. Do not wear makeup, skin moisturizer, perfume, or cologne, since LASIK requires clean, sterile conditions. Earrings should not be worn.

How the LASIK procedure performed?

LASIK is performed while the patient is awake. However, if you are experiencing anxiety, the surgeon may give you a mild oral sedative. Many surgeons talk to the patient throughout the procedure, so the individual knows what is happening and what to expect next.

What happens before the surgery?

Before the surgery begins, your face will be cleaned with a disinfectant, and you will be asked to wear a surgical cap. You will be given an antibiotic eye-drop and possibly an anti-inflammatory eye-drop. These may sting for a few seconds.

What happens during the procedure?

Once in the laser suite, you will be positioned comfortably on your back, under the excimer laser. Your surgeon will give you anesthetic eye-drops to numb the surface of your eyes. Your eyelashes will be taped out of the way, and an eyelid speculum will be placed between your eyelids, to keep you from blinking. The speculum sometimes causes mild pressure or discomfort to your eyelids at first, but with the numbing drops, these sensations dissipate.

The surgeon will make small reference marks on your cornea with water-soluble ink. These marks will serve as positional guides when it is time to realign the corneal flap. A suction ring is then placed on your eye to hold it in position to maintain pressure within the eye. Keeping the eye pressurized is essential for the keratectomy, or flap-making process, which comes next. Your vision will dim during this step.

Next the surgeon will create the corneal flap, using the microkeratome, the small instrument with a blade that passes over the eyeball. The extremely thin flap is made from the outermost 25 percent of the cornea. (The average cornea is only about the thickness of a credit card.) This flap-making process takes about thirty seconds. When the microkeratome is making the flap, you may feel slight pressure and the instrument will block out light as it passes over your pupil.

Next, the surgeon will ask you to fix your vision on a target light - usually red, green, or yellow. Then, the surgeon will gently lift back the hinged flap. At this point your vision will become blurry.

The surgeon will now perform the laser procedure. This usually takes twenty to ninety seconds. You will not feel any pain as the laser sculpts the cornea by vaporizing small amounts of tissue. This process is called photoablation. You will also hear a clicking or buzzing sound with each pulse of the laser. The surgeon is reshaping your cornea.

During the laser procedure, individuals have different responses to staring at the fixation light. Some patients report that the fixation light becomes a blur. Others report that it seems to momentarily disappear. If this happens and your eye starts to wander, the surgeon will stop the laser. You will be coached to look again at the target light so the laser procedure can resume.

Once the process of reshaping your corneal tissue is complete, the excimer laser will be turned off. Using a sterile saline solution, the surgeon will flush the treated surface of the eye to ensure that any debris is washed away. The surgeon then carefully replaces the corneal flap to its original position, using the ink marks as guides.

It takes about one to five minutes for the eye to create a natural vacuum to hold down the flap. The cornea has the unique ability to seal itself back into place. No sutures are necessary. Your eyes will be dried with a sterile cloth, and the eyelid speculum will be removed. You will now be able to blink normally. At this point, you will be asked to sit with your eyes closed for about thirty minutes. Then your physician will examine your eyes one more time to ensure that the corneal flap is properly positioned.

Patients who have undergone LASIK experience some discomfort, which may last six to eight hours. Patients describe this as a sensation of having sand or a dirty contact lens in their eye. Tylenol, aspirin, ibuprofen, or similar over-the-counter pain medications can help. By the following day, this sensation is usually gone.

Immediately after surgery, expect your vision to be somewhat blurred, similar to looking through a glass of water or wearing a dirty contact lens. However, upon awakening later in the day or the next morning, you should experience improved vision. Most patients report dramatic improvement within twenty-four hours.

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Learn The 7 Levels Of The Visual Disability Scale

20/25 to 20/65: Subnormal vision, but not seriously impaired. Those below 20/45 have difficulty reading a newspaper, but most can hold it closer to their face and still read with good light. Many states will license people to drive with visual acuity as low as 20/60, but most such drivers will carry restricted licenses. Telescopic glasses allow all of this group to drive as long as their state permits it and if they do not also have serious field loss. These people have excellent object and travel vision, except for those who have lost considerable field vision as well as visual acuity.

20/70: Mildly impaired. This is the point where people really begin to feel handicapped. Reading newspapers is very difficult without magnification, and most states refuse to license persons to drive with a visual acuity this low unless they are equipped with telescopic glasses. Object and travel vision are still excellent, except for those who have lost field vision as well.

20/75 to 20/200: Moderately impaired. This group can still function as sighted in most regards with the use of low-vision aids. Object vision for this group is poorer, but it is still adequate for almost all activities. These people can see the car but may have trouble identifying its make and model. Recognizing friends may be difficult, but they see the person. Travel vision is still quite good unless there is also field vision loss.

Reading is the primary problem for this group, but good equipment and training eliminate this problem. People in this group can be equipped and trained to read using numerous low-vision aids. All members of this group should be able to drive with telescopic glasses unless there is also serious peripheral-vision loss, or other limiting factors.

20/200 to 20/800: Seriously impaired, but still with travel vision and reduced but useful object vision. People in this group can read with low-vision aids of various kinds. Those below 20/500 might consider learning Braille, but even then it certainly isn't mandatory. These people will not be able to drive, even with telescopic glasses. Object vision diminishes but is still useful. Travel vision is still adequate, although those at the lower end of the scale may sometimes trip over curbs. Crossing streets can be hazardous for people at the lower end of this scale because they cannot see distant oncoming cars.

20/800 to 20/1200: Severely impaired. At this level of visual acuity a person loses travel vision. People suffering a loss of peripheral vision may find a white cane useful or even necessary before this point is reached, but at this stage, use of the white cane becomes necessary, regardless of the cause of vision loss. Some in this group are able to use very strong magnifiers to read large print. A +50 diopter lens will give almost all in this group the ability to read textbook-size print.

20/1200 to 20/6000: Very severely impaired. Many doctors reject the use of visual acuity figures this low. While it is true that letter sizes larger than 700 do not exist on test charts, there are mathematical equivalents. Doctors categorize this level as the ability to see a hand moving one foot away, without the ability to count fingers. People in the 20/1200 to 20/6000 group are dependent on the white cane or a guide dog for independent mobility. A video visual aid for reading print is the aid of choice and the only aid that provides visual access to print. Voice synthesizers are available that convert print into speech. Persons in this group are legitimate users of such equipment.

This group has little object vision, but as long as there is any light perception, that vision is useful. For example, a man walking down the street with his white cane sees two shadows ahead. He sees light between the two objects. He probably can't tell what the objects are, but he knows there is space enough between them for him to pass through.

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Beyond LASIK: A Complete List Of Eye Corrective Procedures (Pt 3)

Bioptics: Bioptics is a combination procedure involving a PIOL implant followed by LASIK. It is recommended for the most extreme levels of myopia and hyperopia when neither technique alone will entirely correct the refractive error. This combined technique can be used to correct over 30.00 diopters of myopia - twice the maximum amount that can be safely corrected with LASIK.

Clear Lens Extraction (CLE): Clear lens extraction (CLE) involves removing the eye's lens, just like in a cataract operation. This is done with a special ultrasound instrument and may be accompanied by eye-drop anesthesia. A flexible synthetic lens implant of the proper power is then placed inside the eye through an extremely small incision to correct the refractive error. The procedure can be completed without sutures. Visual recovery is quite rapid. As with LASIK, most patients are able to return to work the day following their procedure.

CLE is most commonly performed to treat higher levels of farsightedness in patients over age forty. The optical results are superior to LASIK for these higher corrections. CLE may also be used to correct higher levels of nearsightedness and may be fine-tuned with LASIK if a small refractive error remains. Some surgeons have used CLE to treat extremely nearsighted or farsighted patients who are not candidates for LASIK or PRK.

The major drawbacks of CLE are the risk of postoperative retinal detachment (more of a risk with nearsighted than farsighted patients), and the risks of intraocular surgery (including the potential, albeit uncommon, risk of endophthalmitis).

If both eyes are corrected for distance vision, CLE patients will require reading glasses after their procedure. As with LASIK and PRK, however, monovision corrections are possible with CLE to decrease or even eliminate one's need for reading glasses. Or, a new intraocular lens called the ARRAY lens can be implanted at the time of lens extraction. The multi-focal ARRAY lens allows you to see both near and far after the operation. For the best results, both eyes should be implanted with the lens. Because of its multi-focal capacity, some patients experience a loss of contrast at night and also develop halos around lights. If these symptoms become problematic, the ARRAY lens can be removed and replaced with a conventional lens implant.

Laser Thermal Keratoplasty (LTK): For low amounts of farsightedness, a technique called laser thermal keratoplasty (LTK) is a possible method of thermally changing the shape of the cornea. A special holmium laser is used to deliver laser energy to the peripheral cornea to slightly tighten the fibers and thereby steepen its curvature. The technique seems to work only for low amounts of farsightedness.

There are two disadvantages of LTK. First is the long time needed for vision to stabilize. This process can take months, requiring multiple pairs of glasses in the interim. The second disadvantage is that the effect wears off in a substantial percentage of patients. A patient in whom the effect wears off either faces having the treatment repeated every year or so, or turns to LASIK for a permanent correction.

Conductive Keratoplasty (CK): In conductive keratoplasty (CK), a special probe introduces an electrical current to the peripheral cornea, shrinking the corneal fibers. Similar to LTK, this acts like tightening a belt, causing the central cornea to steepen. It is effective for small amounts of hyperopia. The procedure takes less than five minutes and is essentially painless. It may be performed in a doctor's office without the need of a laser suite. The major advantage of CK is its relative safety. Because all the work is done on the peripheral cornea, the risk of central corneal scarring (through the visual axis, or line of sight) is minimal. The visual recovery with CK is fairly quick, although generally somewhat slower than with LASIK. CK is considered by many surgeons to be the next advance over LTK because its effect appears to be permanent.

Surgery for Presbyopia: One of the more exciting areas of ophthalmology is the surgical treatment of presbyopia - the stiffening of the natural lens that decreases near vision as we age. Several devices and surgeries have been tried, all of which attempt to enlarge the circumference of the eye and tighten the fibers that control the focus of the lens. These fibers are thought to stretch and become less effective as we age.

Anterior Ciliary Sclerotomy (ACS): Anterior ciliary sclerotomy (ACS) is a surgical procedure for relieving presbyopia. Several small incisions are made in the sclera (coating of the eye) directly over the muscle that controls the lens. This procedure expands the circumference of the eye. ACS may be combined with the placement of small silicone plugs into the scleral grooves. These plugs may help the effect last longer.
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Beyond LASIK: A Complete List Of Eye Corrective Procedures (Pt 2)

Astigmatic Keratotomy (AK): Astigmatic keratotomy (AK) is similar to RK, but its purpose is to correct only astigmatism. Usually, one or two incisions are made in the peripheral cornea to make it more round (as if loosening the laces on a football). This procedure is often combined with RK and has a similar long track record.

AK is a reasonable procedure for correcting pure astigmatism (patients without coexisting nearsightedness or farsightedness) with results that are almost as good as those with LASIK and PRK. AK can also be used to enhance the results of LASIK and PRK by correcting small residual amounts of astigmatism. The most frequent use of AK today is to correct astigmatism at the time of lens implant surgery (either cataract or clear lens extraction surgery).

Cataract Surgery: For patients with significant cataracts who are looking to correct their nearsightedness or farsightedness, cataract surgery presents the best option. After removing the cataract with ultra-sonic power, the surgeon can implant a lens that will reduce or eliminate nearsightedness and farsightedness.

This procedure is not performed on younger patients without cataracts because the surgery involves entering the eye and, therefore, slightly increases the risk of more serious complications. The surgery also involves removing the natural crystalline lens, which in young people allows them to focus up close. LASIK, which leaves the lens intact, is a better option for younger patients.

Modern cataract surgery, when performed by an experienced surgeon, can allow patients a recovery period rather similar to that of LASIK. In its most sophisticated form, cataract surgery can be performed with eye-drop anesthesia (just like LASIK or PRK) and require no sutures. An outpatient procedure in skilled hands, it takes twenty minutes or less to complete.

Automated Lamellar Keratoplasty (ALK): Automated lamellar keratoplasty (ALK) was done on high myopes prior to the invention of the excimer laser. ALK is not performed today. LASIK has essentially replaced ALK because of the increased accuracy and safety afforded by the excimer laser in making the second "cut." ALK is similar to LASIK in that it uses a microkeratome to separate the surface layer of the cornea. This flap is temporarily folded back (similar to the first part of the LASIK procedure), and a thin disc of corneal tissue is removed with a second pass of the microkeratome. ALK, much less precise than LASIK, was associated with a much higher complication rate. It was primarily used to correct large amounts of myopia.

Satisfactory results are not always obtained the first time, and a high percentage of eyes need additional procedures to achieve the desired result. Sometimes an irregular corneal surface results from the procedure, causing some distortion of vision.

Phakic Intraocular Lens (PIOL) Implants: A phakic intraocular lens (PIOL) implant may correct either extreme nearsightedness or extreme farsightedness. Unlike cataract surgery, your natural lens is not removed; rather, the implant sits in front of the natural lens. In effect, the PIOL becomes an internal contact lens.

Implantable contact lens technology has arisen out of the incredible advances in modern cataract surgery. Current technology allows ophthalmologists to insert flexible intraocular lenses (used to replace the natural lens after cataract surgery) through extremely small incisions. Some PIOL implants, too, are flexible enough to allow folding as they are inserted through small incision openings.

Because of the slightly increased risk of more serious complications, PIOL implants are reserved for high amounts of nearsightedness or farsightedness - beyond the safe limits of LASIK. In places where this technology is available, surgeons are implanting PIOLs in patients with myopia greater than 12.00 to 15.00 diopters and hyperopia greater than 4.00 to 6.00 diopters. In addition, PIOL implants may be preferable to LASIK in patients who fall within the safe LASIK parameters with regard to their prescription but who have thinner corneas, making the tissue removal aspect of LASIK less desirable.

Despite the excellent outcomes in most cases, complications associated with PIOL implants are currently the biggest concern. Specifically, in the early studies, a small percentage of patients developed cataracts shortly after implantation of one brand of the lens There is also a small risk of endophthalmitis (infection within the eye) because the surgical incision actually enters the eye. This rare complication could lead to a complete loss of vision. Endothelial cell loss with some lens designs is also a concern and is being studied rigorously.

Some ophthalmologists in the United States are currently implanting PIOLs as part of an FDA clinical trial. The procedure holds a lot of promise for extremely nearsighted and farsighted individuals. Ophthalmologists are eager to see how PIOL implants fare in current studies using newer lens designs and implantation techniques These lenses are currently being used in Europe and South America with very high success rates. The results of the U.S clinical trial will be presented to the FDA with the hope that it will authorize other eye surgeons to use this exciting new technology.

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